almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Good news! We think we've identified the source of the end-of-match hitch and are working to get that into a server fix soon.

Edit: For clarity, all platforms use the same server fleet. Once we get this thing fixed it should correct the issue for all players.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by leo1lion1

Are you able to explain what causes a bug like this?

At a basic level, servers trying to calculate things at not quite the right time. So in this case it seems like it's doing a lot of the end-of-game calculations before fully reporting back to your client that the game has ended. All your shots landed correctly and you won the game, but appears it's skipping slightly ahead in the script of things it has to do after that happens.