about 2 years
ago -
The Fortnite Team
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Isaac… Isaac… where are you?
Isaac Clarke, ship system specialist and necromorph slayer, joins the Gaming Legends Series in Fortnite! Purchase the Strange Transmissions Quest Pack via the Item Shop for $11.99 USD (suggested retail price) to collect the Isaac Clarke Outfit, Strange Transmissions Quests to earn up to 1,500 V-Bucks, and more:
RIG Back Bling - Watch your back with a personalized life-monitoring system.
USG Ishimura Back Bling - A portable planet cracker.
Plasma Cutter Pickaxe - Specialized mining tool. Mind your fingers.
Use the Pickaxe’s built-in Bench Upgrade Emote to equip/unequip it.
No-fly orders don’t apply to landing on the Island — pick up the Strange Transmissions Quest Pack starting now!