about 7 years ago - The Fortnite Team - Direct link

Heya folks,

We have a brand new feature for NVIDIA owners coming in that will allow you to quickly share those hype Fortnite Battle Royale plays. NVIDIA ShadowPlay Highlights is supported for all PC gamers using GeForce GTX 650 and above graphics cards.

Introducing, ShadowPlay Highlights from NVIDIA! No longer will your friends have to “take your word” when you tell them about that mountain sliding snipe headshot. ShadowPlay will save plays automatically by default. You are also able to manually configure which plays get saved to customize it to fit your style.


More info on ShadowPlay features can be found below the contest!


To celebrate the launch of ShadowPlay Highlights, we are hosting a contest with a grand prize of four GTX 1070 graphics cards!

If you are selected as a winner in your respective category you will receive a GTX 1070 graphics card. Runners Up in each category will win the following:

  • FNBR “Victory Royale” Hat
  • FNBR Shirt

Judgement Criteria:

We will be judging based on three different criteria:


  • Did you manage to represent the category in a creative or innovative manner?


  • Did the content display a high level of quality while remaining in the category?


  • How well was the category represented in your content?


Best Solo Play

  • Highlight an amazing solo performance using building, shooting skills or hype battles!

Best Squad Play

  • Show us your top tier teamwork as a squad and how you earn those Victory Royales.

Best Unexpected Play

  • “Oops, sure glad that worked out” - Pretty much describes this category :)  

Best Trick Shot/Stylish Play

  • Show us your 360 snipes, rocket ride madness, and more.


  • Best Solo Play
Highlight an amazing solo performance using building, shooting skills or hype battles!

Jericho35 - Winner OG Chaotics - Runner-Up
  • Best Squad Play
Show us your top tier teamwork as a squad and how you earn those Victory Royales.

LAPKI - Winner Jack765 - Runner-Up
  • Best Unexpected Play
“Oops, sure glad that worked out” - Pretty much describes this category :)

Admiral Moba - Winner DanSyndromee - Runner-Up
  • Best Trick Shot/Stylish Play
Show us your 360 snipes, rocket ride madness, and more.

Twitch_Purrplexx - Winner PrincessAuzzi - Runner-Up

ShadowPlay Features

ShadowPlay Highlights will Auto-Save your Plays and key moments:

  • Double, Triple and Multi Kills
  • Wins and Deaths

You can also find access ShadowPlay Highlights in the Pre-Lobby screen, where you can view the last match highlights.


Head over to this article from NVIDIA for further details on how to use ShadowPlay Highlights in Fortnite.