over 5 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

We need your help identifying bugs and areas of improvement with audio!

A great way to generate reports we can dig into and debug is via the replay system. We posted all the replays from the World Cup qualifier here.

What we are looking for is bug reports in the form of:

  • replay URL
  • time code of issue
  • display name of player followed via gameplay view
  • description of issue

Please note that 8.40 later this week (Wednesday at the earliest) is going to break network compatibility and invalidate the replays.


External link →
over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by TomZouma

Unable to replicate in replay, but it seems like there is random sounds of people reloading shotguns or switching to ar's in random areas. Me and my friend both experience this and we have both confirmed that nobody was nearby, seems more frequent where fights have been. (PS4)

Hey there, just wanted to update this thread and let you know that we have a fix for this coming in with the v8.50 update. Thanks for the report!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by Alcatraz422

Same’s been happening to me. I also noticed that sometimes when switching to the shotgun, it makes no pullout audio, yet other times it does. Perhaps there’s bits of audio that’s playing on the server later than intended?

Our QA team is investigating the issue where no audio for pulling out the Shotgun plays in certain situations. Thanks!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by Scerrybug

There’s an issue where you can’t hear people mining into your 1x1 when there is enemy footsteps above. Not sure exactly how to replicate it but that’s the bug I experienced last night.

Just want to drop in and confirm that our QA team is investigating this issue. Thanks for the report!

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by Currymuncher961

When you are being hit by stink grenade you don’t hear a sound anymore or see damage hit markers

Proof- https://www.reddit.com/r/FortniteCompetitive/comments/bcxcw2/so_apparently_stinks_dont_give_you_a_hit_marker/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app

Thanks for the info and video evidence! Our QA team is looking into this issue.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by EvKem

Equipping shotguns is silent. The Equalizer glider music cuts in and out. All emote music sometimes stops playing or cuts in and out. This is on the Switch.

Hey there! Thanks for the report in helping us to identify audio issues. I just wanted to drop in and confirm that we fix the shotgun audio issue in the v8.40 update. We are working towards resolving the issue causing emote audio to cut out on the Switch.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by 39percent

Lmao the other day my boy and I heard the atv glitch where it sounds like someone is riding the vehicle even though it’s just sitting there. THIS HAS BEEN IN THE GAME FOR LIKE ALMOST A YEAR ITS GETTING A BIT RIDICULOUS

Thanks for the report! I've escalated this to our QA team. If this happens to you again please report it as a bug in-game by using the Feedback button found in the Options dropdown.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by FortniteNewest_

Enemies gliding sounds, it sounds like they are about to drop on you but you look up and they’re miles away, I feel like the gliding sound should change depending on distance to player

Appreciate the report! This has been escalated to our QA team and we're looking into ways we can improve this.

over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Originally posted by TittyRotater

not exactly an ingame issue but i have bluetooth headphones (mpow h5) and if i turn them on(or off and on) while the game is running it will not play game audio, just voice chat through the headphones and I have to restart the game for it to work properly

Thanks for the details! I've escalated this to our QA team to look into.