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over 5 years ago - /u/spazinski - Direct link

Originally posted by imbadkyle

The developers probably made the police car first, then when they make a new car, they just paste the police car and reskin it. Copy and pasting sections of code is what makes the world go round.

This is close to correct. The police car is made the parent of the other cars (they are now children of the parent car). Creating this relationship between various cars allows updates to sections of code/script in the police car to automatically propagate to child cars without need to copy/paste the latest code/script with every update. The benefit of this is it keeps functionality consistent between cars (or any other asset type that uses a parent/child relationship), and if there is an issue or bug with cars, that it only needs to be fixed in one place instead of many.
btw, thanks to OP. There might be potential for minor optimization in the parent script. We'll investigate it.