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Latest update introduced massive performance issues on my low-end computer. I was using 800x600 resolution on my laptop since Season 3 and got stable 45-65 FPS most of the time before the v8.30 update. After the update, game is pretty much unplayable with 10-25 FPS, massive stuttering when turning the camera and it pretty much freezes when there's action on the screen with FPS going bellow 10. I was hoping these little updates after the patch would fix it, but they didn't.
What I tried:

  • Changing resolution (this has almost no effect, even setting the resolution at 1366x768, which is max for my system, results in the same FPS as using 800x600); Changing graphic settings, 3D resolution, AA, Texture Quality (almost no change in FPS, even after setting these settings to Epic. These settings were previously turned off and 3D resolution was set to 100%);
  • Turning off replays and setting audio quality to low (no effect);
  • Tried playing Creative mode (same performance issues);
  • Changed priority in Task Manager to High and tried changing cores in "Set Affinity" menu (no effect);
  • Reinstalling the entire game (no effect). What I noticed in Task manager was that the game was not using 100% of the CPU, it was jumping between 70%-99% percent and apparently people with dual-core processors are having a similar performance issues.

My specs (I know they are probably bellow minimum requirements, but the game was totally playable since season 3 when I started playing):

  • Processor: Intel Core i3-2350M, 2.30GHz, 2 Core, 4 Logical Processor;
  • Graphics card: AMD Radeon HD 7500/7600 Series, 1GB;
  • RAM: 8GB
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almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

We are working on a fix for 8.40.

The quick summary is that 8.30 included a massive refactor of rendering code that sped up most platforms by making better use of threading.

Low end PC got worse though :-(

almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

Originally posted by justgrowingup

When is 8.4?

Probably middle of next week. We'll have some clarity Sunday night or Monday morning and more confidence in timing around 24 hours before downtime starts... which is why we end up not communicating details :-)

almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

Originally posted by CloudNine

I've seen a lot of comments from people with some pretty high end computers that are experiencing massive frame drops as well so it's not just us potato PC folk.

Can you drop me an email with their display names?

almost 6 years ago - /u/DanDaDaDanDan - Direct link

Originally posted by ceilfret

I'm having issues on i7 4790 as well. Is that a low end CPU?

Drop me a message with your in-game display name please.