A kind person on r/FortNiteBR linked me to the issue on Trello, should be fixed in the next update, or just turn your effects to medium or higher to fix. https://trello.com/c/ZSz8TYTx/1444-fishing-spots-can-disappear-on-pc-with-effects-set-to-low
A kind person on r/FortNiteBR linked me to the issue on Trello, should be fixed in the next update, or just turn your effects to medium or higher to fix. https://trello.com/c/ZSz8TYTx/1444-fishing-spots-can-disappear-on-pc-with-effects-set-to-low
Please let us know if you're still experiencing this issue. With the update yesterday we believe this is fixed.
Yes, thank you. Since yesterday I haven't had the issue, all the fishing spots seem to be appearing. However if the issue comes back I'll be sure to report it.
Great! Appreciate the post to make us aware.