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over 6 years ago - /u/Epic_Joel - Direct link

Originally posted by Velaxity

RIP Joel's Career.

Was over waaaaaaaaay before this. I'll just leave this here....


over 6 years ago - /u/AfroDeezyShak - Direct link

Originally posted by Epic_Joel

Sigh. Knew this was going to be posted as soon as it happened. My terrible friends died earlier in the game and left me to 1v4. They almost died laughing when they saw this play. Thanks, going to have to hear about this from them for the rest of my life...

Lol Joel don't blame your "terrible friends."

over 6 years ago - /u/Epic_Joel - Direct link

Originally posted by NizeDine

Would love to see if from your POV

Didn't record it but maybe I can recreate the moment.

We were at warehouses on loot lake (D4) when another team ambushed us. My buddies served as excellent meat shields buying me time to get 3 kills but I wasn’t fast enough to save them. I was left alone with 3 other players.

Time was short after the battle and the circle was closing so I had to cover some ground and head towards the forest between Snobby Shores and Haunted Hills (B4). Kept looking around to see where they were but saw nothing. I figure I'd get in the circle and setup a base trying to do my best.

Right as I get there and I found a nice spot to build my log cabin I turned and saw building behind about 100 yards away on the hill from where I had just come. I panicked and started firing the AR then lobbing grenades with the launcher to see if I could pick one or two off before spamming some walls. Player in the clip charges me so i swap to the shotgun in an attempt to take him out close range. I hit one shot then realize what is going on so I start going for the walls to escape before the death trap but with them spamming walls it was inevitable.

Looking back i should have made stairs and ran out the top or crouched in the corner to buy some time. But, I am a bad player. Rest is reddit history.

over 6 years ago - /u/Epic_Joel - Direct link

Originally posted by Xilixir

I don't find you guys often, but I knocked one of you down about a week ago, danced and they left the game :(

Also just going to ignore that one of the squad members in this clip's name is basically 'epic admin'?

Was probably me.

over 6 years ago - /u/Epic_Joel - Direct link

Originally posted by Ricxz

may i ask how i change my ingame name? when i go to epicgames.com/account/personal the site wont load

Not sure there is an option in game. I tried the website and it worked fine for me.

over 6 years ago - /u/Epic_Joel - Direct link

Originally posted by FanC_Fox

How fun is it to play a game a you helped develop?

A lot of fun actually. To see how people react to the things we have created or built is humbling and amazing at the same time. I've worked on games in my past where it felt like a chore or part of my job to play them. Fortnite I play in my free time because I find it entertaining.