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over 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Looks like you got them while they were mid-jump. Impressive!

over 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by Joshx221

Speaking of Snipes, are you guys continuing to look at them? I'm still hitting and being hit with no damage happening.

Thanks for the question. Sniper Rifle projectile discrepancies are something that is on our radar.

We were recently investigating an increase in discrepancies involving Sniper Rifle projectiles appearing correctly for the shooter but incorrectly for the target. We're keeping a lookout for more reports to see if this is something we need to investigate again. If you're still encountering this issue, could you direct message me images, videos, and/or logs? Thank you!

over 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by Joshx221

I saw the Trello, but it look like it was "closed" so to speak. I'll keep this in mind going forward and try to get some footage and reports in. Thanks

Yes, it is closed, but we can re-open it if we need to!