Is there any info that you could provide about what was going on previously before this issue? When was the last successful login? Did you update recently before this? What device are you on and whats your user name?
Is there any info that you could provide about what was going on previously before this issue? When was the last successful login? Did you update recently before this? What device are you on and whats your user name?
I can’t really contact him right now, but from what I know, it’s on my iPhone 7 and the last successful login was 4:00 PM and my username is ItsDavid6564 nothing was really going on before. I did update recently before
I think the best solution is to contact player support and have them check out your account and see if anything odd is going on preventing a login. They might need to reset your login authentication, so you would need to log back in, but it might clear out any issue you are having.