We've seen a few reports of building delays on console platforms as well. We are currently looking into it.
We've seen a few reports of building delays on console platforms as well. We are currently looking into it.
Quick question, i was asked to see if it was possible for you to remove the 2 overlapped wall building sections and see that helps. Not that you shouldn't do this, but its helpful info to see what is working and not working as the person investigating needs to know if the quickbar correctly that's blocking the build action from the build button.
another question I was asked to reach out about, are you trying to maintain turbo building through editing?
Alright I did some further testing.
This glitch only appears when you let go of turbo building , do something (like editing) and then try turbo building again, then it sometimes doesn‘t build. If you don‘t let go of turbo building and turbo build through all the edits, it won‘t stop building.
Whether I had overlapped build buttons or not, it made no difference.
I found something huge out though,
I tested 3 scenarios, in scenario 1 I had my charger plugged in, scenario 2 only my adapter (nothing connected to it) and in scenario 3 I had nothing plugged in.
I was able to reproduce the building glitch many times in scenario 1 (charger) and scenario 2 (adapter plugged in), but in scenario 3 (nothing plugged in) everything was working smoothly, the building glitch didn‘t appear once (I did A LOT of testing).
So in conclusion, this bug only happens when you have something plugged in your device, and it doesn‘t even matter if it‘s charging or only the adapter (headset and charger not plugged in the adapter) is plugged in. As long as you don‘t have anything plugged in, everything is fine.
Thanks for this info, i will pass it along to those looking into it!