For the sake of context, I am an avid Fortnite Switch player and have played since its release on June 12, 2018. I have spent $450 USD so far and plan to continue. I have just hit 900 hours played on the game, so I have spent a lot of time enjoying this game. Coming from an ex-CoD Wii player, I know what it feels like to be truly abandoned by a gaming company. So I want to start off by saying this is not the case here, and Epic Games is the most responsive and openly accessible gaming company I've ever seen. I love how easy it is to interact with them and give them feedback that actually results in changes. You guys are awesome.That being said, The Switch version is obviously isn't their top priority and it shows. Below is a list of things that are Switch specific and need to be fixed. It's definitely more important to get the major ones. Please feel free to add to this list for any ones that I missed out on.
-Default City-
I'd estimate somewhere around 60% of skins are appearing as the default Ramirez skin, despite what players are actually using. This has been an issue since sometime near Season 6's start, possibly before. Players in your party including yourself are not affected and these skins will show up in gameplay definitely. Backblings and pickaxes are also showing up on every player as well, just not the skins. This is considered major because people like me who have spent $450 or "OG's" who have skins like Black Knight are being reduced to a no skin. What's the point of spending money if I don't get to individualize myself? This also makes it difficult for teamwork communication in instances like "I hit the Ragnarok for 60", when I don't even see a Ragnarok.-Game Crashing-
Occasionally my game will crash and boot me back to the main menu for Switch. This is a relatively new issue that began sometime late Season 6. Usually happens right when the match finishes and I return back to the lobby (thankfully), but there have been a few times mid game. I had this error occur three times to me just yesterday. A Switch notification pops up and says "The software was closed because an error occurred."-Framerate Drop-
Obviously the Switch isn't the most powerful console, I get that. With the most recent "performance enhancing patches" for the Switch though, the quality of the game has gotten worse and we haven't received an update in a while. Our peak performance was mid to late Season 5. I remember this very clearly because there was an update and the drop from the Battle Bus looked so smooth. I could land at Tilted with no issues.. until the next performance enhancing update was released and ruined it all. And the next one which ruined it further.
Now I'm no framerate expert, but my guess is the game normally runs at 30FPS. When landing at high traffic areas like Tilted Towers or Retail Row, my framerate drops to what I'd put at between 10 and 15FPS for about 15 seconds. It will go up to what feels about 25 unless I get close to people. My cross console friends make fun of me by calling me the radar because if my framerate drops, they know someone is nearby. After the start of the game however, it reverts to 25-30FPS and is playable for the most part, with few exceptions (usually when fighting someone or plane related).-Texture Drop-
Another late Season 6 era thing on the list, whenever I boot up the game, everything looks fine in the lobby until I switch tabs. If I go to locker, shop, anything, the entire texture of my skins get blurred out similar to an N64 style. I can't see high details so it makes buying skins in the shop annoying because I need to look them up on the internet or buy them based off of the image, because as soon as I see the model it's a blurry mess. I mean, what's the point of buying skins if other people can't see them in game and I can't see them in lobby?-Music Shutdown-
Anything song based shuts down a few seconds in. I'd say this bug popped up near the start of Season 7, but it may also be late Season 6. This affects all emotes. For instance, if I Orange Justice (both in lobby and match), the music will disappear about 1-2 seconds into the song. I won't even hear the lobby music, no matter which one I have set.This also applies to the music in the Night Club POI (South of Shifty Shafts) which provides an unfair advantage for me vs non Switch players. Playing crossplatform last night, I was able to hear an enemy inside of the nightclub that my friend could not and was able to locate him, when he probably couldn't hear me.. simply because the club's music wasn't playing for me. Something interesting I've noticed about this one in particular is that it starts playing quietly when I leave through the second story side doors, but once again for only a second or two.
-Career Tab-
This might sound minor but for someone who has invested as much time as me into this game, I want to see my statistics. I honestly find it hard to believe that it's processing power that's holding this one back. I mean, I get it with the Replay Mode thing, but this is silly. In fact, when Season 6 ended I even got the summary email that had my statistics from the Season.. and I have never played on anything besides Switch. Does this mean the records are being kept and we just can't see it? What's the reasoning for this? Honestly, I wouldn't mind hearing a "No you can't have this feature", I just am inquiring why.-Replay Feature-
Like I said above, I totally understand if the Switch isn't powerful enough to have this function. It sucks but I don't want to kill the Switch, y'know? However the Switch itself has the record-the-last-thirty-seconds feature that was very helpful for recording cool moments. Unfortunately this was removed in late Season 5 for "performance enhancing". This update that removed this feature was actually the first update that marked the decline of performance for the Switch, mentioned under the Framerate Drop subpoint. Mix this in with no Replays and Career tab, it's almost as if we're playing this game for nothing. I actually went out and bought an ElGato, but not for content on YouTube or Twitch, but simply so I can have something to look back on if something interesting happens. I would much rather have the 30 second recording feature back, especially since it was available during the peak performance era in mid to late Season 5.
Epic Games, once again you are an incredibly communicative company and I am very grateful for all you've done for us. Even if something is unfixable or there is reasoning behind things, is it possible to let us know why? I'm sure others besides me would love to hear some of the things you have to say. Thanks again for the wonderful, free-to-play game that you are consistently updating and keeping fresh.
This is it for my list as of now. I'm sure there may be others but this is what I've come up with on my own. Please let me know if I'm missing out on anything.
Experienced Switch Fortnite player lists Switch related errors:
-60% of skins appear as default in game
-Game Crashing frequently
-Framerate drop since season 5
-Texture drop in lobby
-Music stops playing for emotes
-No Career Tab
-Missing 30 second record feature
Just wanted to let all the Fortnite Switch players know a couple of things. All of the above issues and more have been reported and are known to the team. While I do not have a time frame to say when these issues will be fixed, they are actively being worked on. Also for Switch players, posting in r/FortNiteMobile is allowed so feel free to post your feedback in that sub as well!