over 4 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

1s [Music]
5s what's up everyone sundown here and
7s welcome back to our fourth installment
8s of plays of the week around the globe
11s players were able to have some
12s outstanding performances to close out
14s week four let's dive on in and take a
17s look we'll kick off the action over in
20s Na West as edgy Rex incented are able to
23s go to work in the close quarters of
26s Paradise Palms
29s [Music]
36s [Music]
45s [Music]
52s [Music]
54s staying over an na Wes we're gonna watch
57s as wavy Jacob makes the controller gang
60s proud rockin off Elam after Elam to take
63s the victory Royale
66s [Music]
74s hopping on over to nAES were on board
77s with the World Cup solo champion Koga as
79s he's able to use the heavy sniper to put
82s down to in the phase members and then go
84s to work in the early game
89s [Music]
98s staying over an nAES were on board with
101s misfits clicks as he's able to win 2-1 B
104s once to clutch up the victory Royale
108s [Music]
115s hopping across the pond where I'm born
117s with the walking highlight-reel himself
119s mom grow
121s [Music]
140s [Music]
144s all hailed the meta masters and no this
147s time it's not some Europe finally hopped
150s on the mech train as a low Kratts Thomas
153s HD enclosure are able to rain down
155s missiles from above
159s [Music]
180s from across the pond to down under we're
183s gonna hop on board with link worthy in
185s goo bus as they continue to show their
187s dominance in the Oceania region
190s [Music]
199s [Music]
218s [Music]
223s hopping over to Asia we're onboard here
226s with Bob XTO as he's able to put his
228s rifling skills on display and then run
231s the rest of the lobby with his pump
232s shotgun
237s [Music]
247s over in Brazil we seem a steer is a
250s one-man wrecking crew as he's able to
253s drop the rest of the lobby on the way to
255s a victory Royale
261s [Music]
272s finally we'll round out plays of the
274s week with ex peonage be able to go to
276s work with this epic tactical shotgun and
279s clean out the rest of the lobby
281s [Music]
287s thank you so much for watching this
289s edition of plays of the week and make
291s sure you keep your eyes peeled for some
293s additional content as we head into the
295s fifth and final week of fmcs qualifying
298s action
302s you
303s [Music]