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EDIT: EPIC dev has replied <3

Version 3.3.0 introduced two major console bugs

1: Aim assist not working after being turned off and back on again

2: Sensitivity not saving in smaller blocks than 1.0

These have both been reported countless times through multiple channels (in-game bug reports, official bug reporting forums, reddit bug report megathreads, reddit PM's, Discord PM's).

Here are the bug reports on the official forums, dating back to the 11th of March:

1: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums/bug-reports/battle-royale-aa/208994-3-3-0-aim-assist-not-working-on-turning-it-back-on-once-turned-off

2: https://www.epicgames.com/fortnite/forums/bug-reports/battle-royale-aa/214562-3-3-0-sensitivity-not-saving

1: The bug report for aim assist is the 12th 10th most replied bug report on the entire forum. EPIC employees were commenting trying to get it fixed at the start of the thread, and were active for the first two pages. Once people had reported their attempted fix hadn't worked, they went silent. There are now 16 pages on the thread, and there has not been one word from EPIC since. It is still sitting on [INVESTIGATING] to this day, over 5 months later.

2: The thread for the sensitivity bug was first made in early March, and EPIC have still yet to acknowledge it, aside from a community moderator commenting a month after it was first posted saying they were adding it to the bug tracker (great news, you would think). Three months after the initial report the same moderator comes in and says

This issue is still around. I'm adding it to the tracker again and I've sent this over to somebody at Epic.

Two weeks after that, he replies again with

I just checked, this is being worked on. I guess it was more complicated than originally thought?

That was almost three months ago, and there hasn't been any update from the mods or a patch to actually fix it since then.

So here we have two cases of EPIC knowingly ignoring bugs for extended periods of time. We have confirmation that these are indeed bugs, and proof that EPIC are aware of them.

It is not acceptable for any developer to knowingly ignore bugs, let alone for the #1 game in the world. Proper and effective processes for reporting and fixing bugs should be an absolute given, and bugs as simple as changing sensitivity and aim assist should be a first priority for any shooter.

All I'm asking for is some communication. If it is a difficult bug to work out, then tell us! I would much rather hear you are working on it than nothing at all.

Please EPIC, help us! I really want to play your awesome game again

TL;DR: Two bugs have existed since season three, EPIC are aware of them yet continue to ignore them. Not cool, man.

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about 6 years ago - /u/AaronAtEpic - Direct link

Originally posted by BackPackKid420

So you remember the .01-.99 sensitivity only having ten sensitivity options? I thought they changed it so it was consistent with targeting and scoped, which both have 98 options.

That's pretty much it though, we both have seen it in different ways and now we need our God EPIC to come tell us the truth ;D /u/AaronAtEpic pls save us!

Thanks for adding me to this.

The sensitivity change is indeed intentional. We are planning on going back to the smaller increments though very soon.

On the subject of the aim assist, I was directly involved in that and we could not reproduce it. So what we ended up doing was talking with those users offline and eventually had to hard reset their settings. If this is still an issue please report it to our customer service and we may be able to fix it for you. We honestly didn't think this was wide spread and that we had dealt with the handful that had the issue.

After the hurricane I'll have a discussion with really smart people on what we can do here to get everyone back to a reset aim assist setting.