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TL;DR included

Ever since the weapon glitch where you couldn't use the weapons/consumables shortly after landing was fixed, a new bug/glitch has come, and the bug/glitch is that we just straight up freeze when landing, or shortly after landing. Sometimes the game will randomly freeze like halfway through the game or late game. I thought this was just happening to me, but it has happened to me and other friends (from New Zealand and Australia) and we all own the original Xbox One Consoles which is why I believe that the reason why this is happening is because the hardware of the original Xbox One cannot handle the game. Please help us out!?! Sorry for the wall of text.

TL;DR Game freezes multiple times during landing and shortly after landing on original Xbox One

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over 6 years ago - /u/RZELive - Direct link

Hey guys,

Thanks for bringing this up. I've forwarded the concerns here on to our QA and Perf teams. We'll be digging into this shortly. We want the experience to awesome, and this sounds less than ideal. Thanks for your patience while we dig in and investigate these issues.