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I'll start off by saying that if this can get up-voted hard enough Epic may notice it, and I think it's something many of us are/have been dealing with for awhile now. If this resonates with you, please give this an up vote, lets talk about it.

As many of you probably know, since the new season, a lot of peoples Pings have shot up from 20-40 to 40-60, and in some rarer cases, people in Canada during prime time hours will shoot up to 130 Ping. I'm not really too versed in why this could have happened, but I would love any feedback.

I think a lot of us would truly be grateful for some kind of change, enhancement, or upgrade to be made to servers for Fortnite Competitive. I don't want to sound boorish, but I feel like Epic, making the amount of money they have off of this game, could afford to pay for some new servers, or do whatever is required to get an all around better ping for players; and if it requires having smaller cash cup prize pools then so be it for now.

I'll end by asking what your ping is like, what region do you play on, who is your internet provider, what speed do you have? These are the questions you are welcome to answer down below.

Please spread this around and see if we can get some real recognition for this, because it's a very defeating feeling working so hard for so long and having to deal with something like this. I'm sure a lot of us are feeling the same way.

(Side Note) I am in North Carolina, less than 5 hours from the Virginia server and am dealing with consistent 40-60 ping every day.

[Side Side Note] Lets try to keep on topic on this post and leave the other issues (current or past) for another reddit post. Thank you

{Update} Been trying to spread this post around the internet for a couple hours now, thank you for all the feedback so far, please continue to repost, share, and upvote!

ALSO a post on Trello confirms that they are aware of the FPS drops in the 12.20 update and are working on it! Source: https://trello.com/c/GvSgF8DV/1240-reports-of-fps-drops-since-v1200

Here is the link to Epics known issues surrounding 12.20 thus far: https://trello.com/c/00NVnmMT/1264-known-issues-addressed-by-v1220

Now let's see if we can get their attention with this post!

-Additionally- I know people say this and don't do much of anything with it, but if we can have a lot of people report to fortnite through the feedback section under "comment" just politely making them aware of the ping spikes since 11.50 we might just be able to increase our chances of making something happen. Just a thought!

Word of the Internet Provider in Canada "Bell" giving terrible spikes of ping, anyone else?

External link →
over 4 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Can probably try to help shed some light on a few things if that would help!

We use the absolute fastest, highest-grade server hardware available from our cloud provider partners. The math required when you're talking about networking 100 players and replicating the incredible speed of building/destruction so that everyone around you can see what you're doing in game and vice-versa requires a heck of a lot of "horsepower". As ever-faster processors become available in the numbers that allow us to use them globally we're constantly ensuring we're only using the best of the best. To help give you a sense of scale, to support Fortnite we use tens thousands of simultaneous processors spread across the globe in more than two dozen different data centers.

To the question of "why doesn't Epic just build more servers in X location?" The simplest answer is that we don't have the experience building and operating an international network of data centers that our cloud partners do, and it makes sense to leverage their expertise and infrastructure. We work very closely with them to help plan for new locations and opportunities, but ultimately there are limits to the density of large cloud locations that make sense.

We unfortunately don't have control over periodic throttling at the ISP level. We do our best to work directly with ISPs any time there are significant issues, but ultimately do not control any changes to internet performance based on the time of day or local demand.

Finally to the performance of the server code itself, we are always working to improve the experience while still being able to bring you awesome new additions to the game like the Choppa and some unbelievable things we've got in store in the future. We have a number of both short term and long-in-the-making improvements to the game and networking experience that have unfortunately been slightly delayed by current events, but know that we're working as hard as we can to bring you the best experience possible.

Genuinely, I just want everyone to know that it hurts us to see folks having trouble with performance, and we really do just want to provide the absolute best experience we can. We're working every day to continuously improve both our game code and our global operation, and any time networking and performance are anything less than invisible we know we've got more work to do.

We'll keep at it!