over 5 years ago - /u/MrPopoTFS - Direct link

Hey folks,

We've seen some questions regarding lower ping levels (including 0) displayed in the UI as well as the Connection Timeout error being displayed, even while under good network conditions. We wanted to drop by and give a little bit of clarity around what's going on here.


You may have seen the following line in the v7.30 Patch Notes:

  • Fixed an issue in the Net Debug UI that would cause it to show a ping value that was too high.


We discovered an issue with our current method of calculating ping that was causing displayed ping values to sometimes be higher than those the player was actually receiving.


This was creating instances where the ping values displayed weren't indicative or representative of what the player was actually experiencing. In v7.30 we began testing a new method of calculating ping, which should display numbers with a more accurate value to the player's connection to a server. Separately, we also added an indicator to the UI to display a “Connection Lost” notification when under poor network conditions.


However, we’ve seen your reports that the “Connection Lost” message is displaying even under good conditions, that some players are seeing pings values of 0, and that FPS can have a direct effect on the displayed ping value. Due to this, we’ve decided to temporarily revert these changes so we can polish out the remaining kinks before adding things back in.


Once we’re ready to add these changes back in, we’ll also provide a more technical and detailed blog on this new Ping Calculation method and how it works. We look forward to your questions and feedback once that blog is ready!

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