Reboot Rally has been extended! It will now end October 17, 2022, at 9 AM ET (instead of the original end date of October 3, 2022, at 9 AM ET). This change is reflected in this blog post.
It’s time to rally the squad! During Reboot Rally, rally your friends who haven’t played Fortnite in a while (or just started playing in Chapter 3 Season 4) and show ‘em what’s new this Season. As you complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals, you and the returning/new friend(s) you’re playing with will earn points for in-game rewards.
An eligible returning/new player is anyone who has played less than 2 hours of Fortnite in the 30 days leading up to Chapter 3 Season 4. An active player is anyone who has played more than 2 hours of Fortnite in the 30 days leading up to Chapter 3 Season 4. Reboot Rally runs from September 19 at 9 AM ET to October 17, 2022, at 9 AM ET. Learn how it works below!
Reboot Rally Rundown
Whether you’re an active player or a returning/new player, open the friends tab in the Lobby Sidebar to see the Reboot Rally section.
If you’re an active player, you’ll see returning/new friends you can party up with to complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals. If you’re a returning/new player, you’ll see active friends and fellow returning/new friends you can party up with to complete the Quests and Bonus Goals.
Instead of partying up right away, you can also “rally” your friends, meaning you’ll be presented a QR code for fn.gg/rebootrally. Share this webpage with your friends so they can learn more about Reboot Rally!
Party up with one, two, or three friends (or more friends if the mode supports it) so you can complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals together. These Quests and Bonus Goals are findable on the “Quests” page. Quests and Bonus Goals don’t need to be completed with the same friend(s), so feel free to mix and match which eligible friend(s) you party up with.
As you complete the Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals together, you and your participating friend(s) will earn points. Collect points to earn in-game rewards! You can keep track of your points and the rewards you can earn on the “Quests” page.
Reboot Rally Rewards
Reboot Rally rewards, all in the Renegade Flame Set. Rewards match great with the Blaze Outfit, which belongs to the same Set!
Collect points from Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals to earn cool (or rather, hot) rewards:
50 points: Barb-B-Q Emoticon
100 points: Freshly Forged Wrap
150 points: Red Hot Revenge Pickaxe
200 points: Fiery Descent Glider
Reboot Rally FAQ
Have questions about Reboot Rally? Get answers below!
Which of my friends are able to participate in Reboot Rally with me?
If you’re an active player, you’ll see returning/new friends listed in the Reboot Rally section who you can party up with. If you’re a returning/new player, you’ll see active friends and fellow returning/new friends listed in the Reboot Rally section who you can party up with. You must have an Epic Games account to participate.
An eligible “returning/new” player is anyone who has played less than 2 hours of Fortnite in the 30 days leading up to Chapter 3 Season 4. An “active” player is anyone who has played more than 2 hours of Fortnite in the 30 days leading up to Chapter 3 Season 4.
How do I know who is an eligible returning/new player?
Eligible returning/new players will have the “Reboot” symbol next to their display name in the friends list.
Do the Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals have to be completed with the same friend(s)?
No, the Quests and Bonus Goals don’t need to be completed with the same friend(s), meaning you can mix and match which friend(s) you party up with.
Can I complete the Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals on my own?
No, the Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals cannot be completed on your own, as they involve playing with returning/new friends (if you’re an active player or another returning/new player) or active friends (if you’re a returning/new player).
If I have a party totaling 3+ players, can they be a mix of returning/new players and active players?
If you have a party totaling 3+ players, you can complete Reboot Rally Quests and Bonus Goals as long as at least one player is an eligible returning/new player in your friends list.
If I'm an eligible returning/new player, what do I need to do to participate in Reboot Rally?
If you’re an eligible returning/new player, just party up with any player in your friends list and complete Quests to earn points, no matter their status! You can also go to the Reboot Rally section to “rally” friends — meaning you’ll be presented a QR code for fn.gg/rebootrally. Share this webpage with your friends so they can learn more about Reboot Rally!
Do I need to “rally” friends to participate in Reboot Rally with them?
While we encourage you to “rally” your friends so they can get all the Reboot Rally details, all you need to do is play with a returning/new friend in your party (if you’re an active player or another returning/new player) or an active friend in your party (if you’re a returning/new player) and complete Quests to earn points. However, rallying a friend will also earn you some points!
Are the Reboot Rally reward items exclusive?
The Reboot Rally reward items are not exclusive, as they may become purchasable in the Item Shop at a later date.
How long does Reboot Rally last?
Reboot Rally starts September 19 at 9 AM ET and ends October 17, 2022, at 9 AM ET.