Creator, giver, and entrepreneur, MrBeast joins the Fortnite Icon Series! Eligible* players can compete in MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge on December 17, 2022, and earn “Score” (as described further below). The player with the highest Score at the end of the challenge will be declared the winner — which means they will earn the prize of one million dollars (USD)! Players can also earn enough Score to get a special Umbrella for their Locker.
What about playing as MrBeast in Fortnite? Starting December 14, the MrBeast and MrBeast6000 Outfits will be available for purchase in the Fortnite Item Shop!
“I Earned $1,000,000 in Fortnite!” MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge
On December 13 at 9 AM ET, you’ll notice the MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge island go live. Made by creator team Atlas Creative, this island will host the challenge starting December 17 at 12 PM ET. In this MrBeast-inspired experience, avoid hazards, collect coins, and survive extreme challenges to earn “Score.” Earn as much Score as you can before time runs out in the match.
MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge runs from 12 PM ET to 3 PM ET on December 17, and will be available in the “Fortnite Competitive” row in Discover. You can play as many matches as you want during this time. After the challenge concludes, the Score of your best match (the match you got the most Score in) will determine your placement. The player with the highest Score will earn one million dollars (USD)!
You don’t have to earn the highest Score to be a winner, however. The top 100,000 players at the conclusion of the tournament (the 100,000 players with the highest Score) will get the golden Beast Brella Umbrella:
Because the island goes live on December 13, you’ll have time to practice before the challenge starts on December 17! The island will be accessible from the Discover screen as well as from the island code 7990-6907-8565.
*Among other requirements, players must have 2FA enabled and verified on their Epic account for their Score to be counted in the challenge, as well as be at Account Level 15 or above. (You can find your Account Level in Fortnite’s “Career” tab.) For full details and eligibility requirements, please read the MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge Official Rules.
MrBeast’s Extreme Survival Quests
You’ll notice MrBeast’s Extreme Survival Quests go live at the same time the island goes live (9 AM ET on December 13). Complete one of these Quests to earn the MrBeast Gaming Spray, and the other Quest to earn the MrBeast Survival Games Loading Screen! Both Quests will challenge you to earn a certain amount of Score in the MrBeast's Extreme Survival Challenge island.
The MrBeast Gaming Spray.
The MrBeast Survival Games Loading Screen.
These two Quests will be available until January 4, 2023, at 6:59 PM ET.
“You Can Play as Me in Fortnite!” - MrBeast Outfits and Accessories
Starting December 14 at 7 PM ET, the MrBeast and MrBeast6000 Outfits will be available in the Item Shop! There’ll also be matching accessories available for each Outfit.
MrBeast Outfit and Accessories
The MrBeast Outfit includes the hat-on default Style and a hatless alt Style. Matching the Outfit are the following accessories:
MrBeast Smasher Pickaxe: “This Can Break Through Most Buildings!”
Beast Backdrop Wrap: “My Design’s On a Thunder Shotgun!”
MrBeast6000 Outfit and Accessories
The MrBeast6000 Outfit includes the masked default Style and a maskless alt Style. Matching the Outfit are the following accessories:
Prize Package Back Bling: “This Bag is Bursting at the Seams!” (Included with the MrBeast6000 Outfit.)
Reactive — Becomes more filled with cash over time during a match, ‘til it reaches max fullness!
Beast Claw Pickaxe: “My Hand Is Also a Weapon!”
Wrapped and Revved Glider: “I Rode a Car Onto the Island!”
Beast Blastin’ Emote
Make it rain. With the Beast Blastin’ Emote, shoot cash from blasters.
Generously hand out eliminations with MrBeast in Fortnite!