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almost 6 years ago - /u/MichaelNoland - Direct link

Originally posted by Plopawert

It could potentially not even show up until after it has been completed as to not ruin the surprise for those who don’t want it ruined.

EDIT: As others have pointed out, it doesn’t necessarily make sense on this specific screen due to the fact that the loading screens unlock in order, regardless of which week is completed. I suppose it could be incorporated as a small Battle Star / Banner icon on the related numbered load screens in the locker to the same effect.

No promises as to when this might make it into a build, but it is definitely on our list. It wouldn't be on the weekly challenges since the order doesn't necessarily match, but we would like to indicate that you've completed hidden quests somewhere in the client (e.g., on the individual quest rows inside the Hunting Party bundle or on the loading screen rewards).

Cheers, Michael Noland