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While I was waiting to get in a game on the loading island, I noticed I couldn’t sprint. I also noticed even in game that movements in general are very glitchy. Anyone else having these issues? 🤔

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about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

If you're playing on PC and having these issues you can send me a message on Discord with your logs. Instructions for that can be found here: Where can I find the Fortnite game logs?

If you're on console, once the issues happens, take a quick moment and go into the settings and send a report and DM your user name so our team can find the report. You can DM me your user name here on reddit, thats fine.

about 2 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by pinkdecorations

Do I just find you on the fortnite official discord and then send you a message with those logs?

Yep! Its FreightTrain #6330

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