For the past few weeks, I have been adamantly vocalizing how performance of BR has been absolutely abysmal on the Nintendo Switch.
All of my posts have mostly gone unnoticed. I’m sure many more of them will continue to be buried under the memes, great plays, and other amazing ideas that manifest on this sub, and that’s okay.
In building awareness and getting Epic to remedy the situation, I will continue to post every week on Friday, about the cataclysmic state the Switch version of the game is in.
It is borderline unplayable. Textures aren’t loading in, players are invisible, frames drop down below 10 even in 1v1s, and excessive server side lag.
There is no reason that the mobile version of the game on iOS and Android are more stable than a dedicated gaming console.
Hardware limitations in mind, you committed to bringing this game to the Switch. So commit, Epic.
Hey Nexus,
First sorry I missed this post, it can be difficult to find a switch or even mobile specific post in this sub due to its size. While I try to do my best they can still slip past me. The best way to give the team visibility on a post is to post in the sister channel to this This is the mobile subreddit where the switch post should go since the switch platform falls under my section as mobile community coordinator.
Now I think a great way to start is getting some of these major issues listed on our trello board. I will discuss with the team and see if we want to combine it under mobile or create another section for switch. Many of these concerns you have listed we are aware of but we have not done a great job of communicating that via the trello board or created post by a team member and we will work better to do that. I will be reporting all this information back to the team today.
If you could share any videos and screenshots you have of these issues with us please feel free to. Videos and screenshots are always helpful when reporting an issue.
Thanks for your time,