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Since the start of chapter 2 i've had a lot of issues with editing, especially involving pre-editing. I play on 60 ping in game and around 30 in creative but i have had the same issues in both game modes.

First issue is that the game blocks my attempt to edit a build without any apparent reason. As you can see in the clip below, i try to edit a piece but the "unable to edit building" message shows up. This issue happens a bit less than the one im gonna be talking about further ahead but it still influences the outcome of way too many fights. (it happens at 0:05 of this 9 second long clip)

\"Unable to edit building\" message shows up for no reason

Second issue is pre-editing whilst trying to edit an already built piece. The first of the two clips below show me trying to edit a stair built on top of a floor. Although i have built the floor, when i try to quickly switch my selected build piece to the stair so that there is no possible way of me editing the floor i take too long and end up editing the floor. Since the floor is already built and there is a stair on top of it, you would think that it would still edit the stair, cause it is blocking the floor. I still pre-edit the floor piece. The second clip below shows me trying to do a mongraal classic as fast as i can, and even tho i already placed the stair, it still pre-edits the stair piece without even editing the stair that has been placed.

2 Floor pre-edits in a row

Stair pre-edit

Keep in mind this isn't a creative only bug. I don't usually record my gameplay as it would affect the stability of my frames and stuff like that so it is kinda weird that i don't have clips of it but, in usual internet fashion, you gotta take my word for it. Either way it is a bug that should be fixed and that affects me many times in in-game encounters.

All the clips were gathered in one creative session that, if we take out the time i was alt-tabbed watching youtube/twitch streams, would total to around about 15 minutes of gameplay. with me only recording 5 minutes of it.

This is not a complaining post, and i know posting bugs usually isn't a thing to do on this subreddit, but i've tried contacting epic about the issue through their websites player support, the in-game feedback feature, and just a normal e-mail, having gotten either no response, or an automated one every time. I just want to shine light on an issue that has been affecting me for months.

Thanks for reading if you did, and if any epic employee sees this, i'm more than open to help investigate/recreate this bug and be helpful in fixing it.

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almost 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

We appreciate the videos. The team has them and will look into your reports. 🙂

Edit: Also, if you happen to record any more videos you feel highlight the issues, feel free to tag me or send them to me via Reddit direct message.

almost 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by ExplorersX

Any updates on the status of this? I’m highly interested in seeing this bug fixed since it impacts me quite a bit as well as a lot of other people I know.

If the bug is a bit technical to solve could we just get an option to disable pre-edits so we have a workaround for the time being?

Thanks for the message, u/ExplorersX.

The team is continuing to look at building and editing interaction. If you'd like to share any videos for me to pass along to the team, please feel free to do so.

Also, I appreciate your feedback and have passed it along.

almost 4 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by ExplorersX

I actually have quite a number of videos showing various different issues with the building and editing system.

Would you guys prefer me to make a small YouTube playlist demonstrating and explaining each issue or just write up a big post explaining each of them and tagging you on reddit?

I’m unsure what the best way to get in contact with y’all is and know it isn’t just being auto-filtered away.

Those videos would be great. You can share them in whichever way is easier for you!

And when it comes to contacting us, our team regularly monitors player reports.

over 3 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by ExplorersX

Hey /u/M_House_Epic sorry for the wait but as requested here's the playlist of bugs/QOL items on the Building/Editing system that I've noted over time: Playlist

/u/TheStevieT calling you just in case this gets lost in house's notifications.

Thank you, u/ExplorersX. I'll take a look at your playlist.

Also, in case you missed it, we plan to add the option to disable pre-edits, which should help you with some of the issues you're experiencing.

over 3 years ago - /u/M_House_Epic - Direct link

Originally posted by BigBoiRambo

Thanks for all the work you've put in over the past fewol months to deal with this issue.

And we thank you and others in the community for your feedback that inspired the option!

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