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You probably know the teleport glitch where you just tap a zipline far away and then you can ride on it, This is really op in some situations like when the enemy is hiding behind natural cover and you got no mats just teleport to the zipline next to him, its super op, Its a Bug and an Exploit, Its kinda like ghost peeking, its super op but in the End its just game mechanics. Should this be removed?, Well yeah obviously but its kinda an advantage for mobile players. Just like super good aim assist for console and high fps on pc.

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almost 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Bonus_mosher

It’s one of the worst glitches in the game right now, but having said that, unless it’s a moving circle, people don’t really know or use this and when they do they’re vulnerable on a zip line. Epic knows about it though, I’m sure it’ll be patched next week.

I will give you all a little spoil and confirm that in the next patch that the zipline and door interaction issue is fixed. :)

almost 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by Jeff03blue_Instinct

Will it be fixed when you just touch the screen, or will it also be fixed when you use the dedicated use button?


almost 6 years ago - /u/FreightTrainUSA - Direct link

Originally posted by LoicDoesNotCare

How about a lil SDK update spoil while we’re feeling philanthropic ? :)

It wont be an answer you are excited to read because i cant give you an exact time frame, but the goal is in Season 9 so, soon.