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It's not a great item however it seemed common sense that seasonal items items would be exclusive to that respective season, it doesn't seem right that you can just purchase it now. Will other seasonal items start being recycled? Is the battle pass exclusive content or not?

Glider for reference.

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about 7 years ago - /u/S-LG - Direct link

Originally posted by [deleted]

Yeah I completely disagree with them selling that Glider. Now it's a thing everybody will/can have, not just the people from season 1 who hit lv25. It's not even that great of a skin but it would of been sort of cool to have something that in the future some players might not have. Now everyone can have it.

Including the Mako Glider in the daily items for today (Jan, 2) was a mistake on our part, we are removing it now. We plan to keep all items from Season 1 and 2 exclusive. As we work to expand in future seasons, rewards may include a mix of exclusive and non-exclusive items.

What do you think? Do you want the opportunity to purchase items from multiple seasons ago, or should season rewards be completely exclusive?