almost 5 years
ago -
The Fortnite Team
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May the 4th be with you! Star WarsTM Day arrives in Fortnite. To kick off the galactic celebration, we’re bringing back lightsabers starting May 3rd along with famous Resistance fighters, First Order villains, and more from a galaxy far, far away.
For a limited time, lightsabers return to the Island. Elegant weapons for a more civilized age, show your Jedi support with green (Luke Skywalker), purple (Mace Windu), and blue (Rey) lightsabers… or unleash your dark side with Kylo Ren’s crossguard red lightsaber.
The Item Shop also brings back some of your favorite Star Wars-inspired Outfits, Back Blings, Emotes, and more.
The Star Wars fun ends May 5th, so jump in now and fulfill your destiny.