almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by EpicSuzDay

We're patching our servers to fix long hitches that caused simultaneous interrupted connections for all players in a match.

This will roll out over the next few hours.

Just to clarify: this update is totally invisible and will not affect any games in progress. The patch goes out to a new set of servers, and new matches will get the new server version. Matches running on the previous version will be unaffected, and we don't deprecate the old server version until there are no games left running on it.

almost 6 years ago - /u/JShredz - Direct link

Originally posted by UNCTillDeath

This is kind of cool. Them being able to do rolling deployments of patches without visible timeline means that they've gotten their backend deployment pipelines all set up. If they want to, they could start pushing updates this way and avoid those weekly release schedules

Not quite! This is an update to server code rather than client code, which means you don't have to download anything because we're just pushing new instructions to the servers that host matches.

Client patches are a bit different and actually change the software that you run on your device to play the game, which is why you download a patch on release days.