almost 5 years ago - Fortnite - Direct link

Transcript (by Youtube)

0s what's up for no fair
3s [Applause]
4s [Music]
11s today we're gonna be playing for three
14s million dollars for charity folks and it
17s is going to be an incredible time
22s 50 of your favorite for tonight
24s personalities will be paired up with 50
27s celebrities put on this fantastic stage
29s it's gonna be awesome
30s it's duo's so we've seen it before at
33s the Purim last year and it's always a
35s blast I can't wait to see what's going
37s to happen
37s [Music]
42s the first minutes of the summer block
45s party where om is beginning right now
50s they're putting out presser no one's
52s safe now that's one Elam right there
54s Kennedy in a second that is gonna get
56s followed up because he desperately needs
57s materials a player behind 102 to the
60s face because he's just waiting waiting
62s crumpled scented Symphony he shuts up
64s that it's a 1 here it is
70s [Music]
71s [Applause]
73s [Music]
76s wow that was aggressive look at them go
78s here just beaten down players no weapons
81s doesn't even need them watch this look
83s at this eight is just applying pressure
84s trucks for grants can I have a mistake
87s this is a team we're talking about more
89s damage Bucky's down to nothing and ain't
92s no victory Royale
94s [Music]
102s she'll wash so much if it's everyone by
104s blue one great shot connects up comes up
106s at the top the second right there and
108s the diversity goes out oh she's on the
110s run
111s she's chasing it down you're not gonna
113s let this one go away oh no no you know
115s your solo no turning back now
118s 35 wide on that damn it Sharon Ewok got
120s the target one built remaining and
122s that's it typical gamer pops up behind
131s you Nina all the rage at this point in
134s time look in the best way this is it
139s right here the 1v1 it's gonna be Aiden
142s going up against symfony pushing forward
144s forcing activity symphony with the
148s victory Royale your winner of the second
153s fortnight pro-am is our agreement
157s Wow I'm a big fan of competitive for
160s tonight and watching it so this has been
162s really cool to be involved with suppose
163s easier today easy
167s [Music]
193s [Music]
219s [Music]