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Sadly, not clickbait for karma farm. I live in Kamchatka Peninsula it's far east of Russia and mainly played on Asian server since i had 55ms. Lets say it was playable (20% winrate) and I fall in love with game since day 1. I even remember times w/o auto-loot for ammo and materials. 2 days ago Epics announced on twitter that they premiere FN:BR in Korea and here will be "language" patch. Well it wasnt just language patch, seems like they also moved servers closer to Korea, since I have 170ms 2 days in a row, I thought its my ISP or something specific, but korean players confirmed after patch latency decreased. And that makes sense. I'm also understand that I'm minority and korean playerbase majority in any game. So refuse to believe latency will return.

sorry for grammar It's not my primary language, I just wanted to say good bye to this beautiful community & game.

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about 7 years ago - /u/kulvard - Direct link

gt2x - sorry we boned your experience. We did shift Asia servers from Tokyo to Seoul, with the intent that it's a near-neutral change for most players and a positive change for many players. That said, we definitely don't want to pull the rug out from players enjoying our game and this current shift isn't necessarily final or forever. As Asia player populations continue to grow, we are likely to need both datacenter locations, but we have to figure out how best to solve for cases like yours seamlessly rather than just randomly bouncing you between Tokyo and Seoul servers, which is quite a variable experience in your case.

Can you please do me a favor and let me know what your ping is to each server region via in-game settings? That would be helpful as we dig more into the data from our end to see what the full scope of positive, negative, and neutral impacts are here.

about 7 years ago - /u/kulvard - Direct link

Originally posted by gt2x

https://imgur.com/a/Lon2J (ping from each server)

thank you!

Perfect, thank you. Will share updates here as they are available.

Quick question, I should have asked before. Are you experiencing variable/sporadic latency, rubberbanding, or anything along those lines? Or is the change in experience limited to the major change in latency?

Basically, trying to understand if your experience is "much higher latency, but stable/consistent" or if you also have degraded experience in terms of stability of your connectivity. Understanding personal anecdotes like this really helps contextualize the data on our end.