over 2 years ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by Aesthetech

These all look like good changes to me. Gonna break down my thoughts on this one briefly:

Game Balance

Large scale game balance is not the focus of Update 49, but several higher priority adjustments have been made:

Sniper Rifles (all classes) have increased economic cost, reduced stability, and require crouch -- Sniper barge nerfed! lmao lol lmao. In all seriousness these are all good changes.

All deployed Tripod weapon health is increased -- They were a little fragile, I think this is ok as long as it's not like 3x or something.

Ignifist 30 equip time decreased -- Should have been auto equip, but maybe there's some sort of engine limitation there? No idea. This helps, though.

UV-24 "Icarus" weapon range increased -- Interesting. 35m? We'll see what the datamine says. Not opposed.

T8 "Gemini" weapon range and ammo capacity increased -- I've been clamoring for this since its first dev branch. Finally.

Emplaced AT reload time increased -- Probably a good thing with the 45m change, they were getting out of hand.

Balfour Rampart 40mm deals less damage against structures (damage against vehicles unchanged) -- Interesting for devman to make a distinction like this, its out of the usual balance schema. I'm tentatively ok with it, curious to see what the actual change is. Is it +0% vs structures now (so basically a 45m range FC?). Or did they middle road it and shoot for +75% or something? Either way I think it demonstrates that they don't exactly know what to do here, but in the meantime this seems like an ok "slap something on it."

Gallagher Highwayman Mk. III -- Pog. This is similar to my 30mm + 12.7mm Outlaw idea I've pitched, but... better, frankly. A proper PvP oriented brawler that does it in a different way to the Bardiche. Holy shit this is going to be fun.

86K-c "Ranseur" -- Quad RPG Bardiche? Well that sounds absolutely f**king terrifying. Hopefully they started it with good ammo capacity and range from the get-go (at least 35m range) and it doesn't start off as Gemini 2.0.

Improved Vehicle Physics -- NANI? KANSEI DORIFTO?!

Client Optimization -- Thank god.

Light Tank Resizing -- You had me at "and also leave room for even larger tank classes we have planned for the future."

Other Changes

There are other small notable changes, including the ability to demolish build sites, a new region chat tab, and other small changes.

AHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHHH. AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!!! What do you mean SMALL? Holy shit I can feel some of my sanity returning already.

Your assessment of the HV40 is correct. It's more of a temporary fix. There are larger changes relating to Field guns coming in the future.

over 2 years ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by Maxoxpower

if this patch "remove" or REDUCE my " lag" or my hitches when im near big concrete base late game.. im ALL IN :)

That was one of the biggest things we've optimized so hopefully you'll see some benefits there. I really wish we had more time to spend on client optimization as there still so much to be done, but it'll all have to wait until after 1.0 at this point.