about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

We'll be answering questions here for the next few hours. Update 60 specific questions will be prioritized.

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about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

We'll be answering questions here for the next few hours. Update 60 specific questions will be prioritized.

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about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by Alive-Inspection3115

Are there any plans to show more airborne update content before its release?

At least not until after the next Devstream. A lot of work is being done for that update in the background but none of it is ready to show yet.

about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by Vinmai

What is the reasoning behind short resistance phases? Would it be possible to return to longer ones?

This is a big grievance, especially when trying to cooperate. People need a break from the last war, and to plan for the upcoming one. One day is too short to get thru several meetings (coalition, regiment, faction) and make good plans for the new war. 1 day is just too short time to make good plans and prepare. For persistency, Charlie shard exists for when people can't or don't want to be on Able.

The current rule is 1-2 days depending on various factors. While there are some exceptions (e.g. a Major update which has a more rigid release date), this has been the protocol for many years.

While we understand that more engaged clan players desire longer breaks, the game is played by thousands and a large portion of players are either new or play more casually. We have heard from those players being upset when they bought the game new or just wanted to play on their day off or weekend and couldn't. So the balance that has worked is 1-2 days. There is some break, but not so long that there is a high chance for someone who just bought the game to walk into a dead server and get confused.

Now you bring up a good point that Charlie shard exists now, but its uncertain how long term that will be.

about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by Stylish_Yeoman

First off, fantastic update! Can't remember the last time that we had an update with seemingly only positive stuff. The new enviro stuff looks great and I can tell Matt has been chomping at the bit to get it done, hope we're able to see more of it in the planned maintenance update since it seems like that'll be a similar all dev work no art work couple of sprints. Flags look amazing and it's about time we had them in!

- Weird question, what organizational software does the team use? Jira? Trello?

- I love seeing these really big set pieces added which force more infantry focused gameplay in unique places! Especially since it seems like this big freighter has different levels to it which I know can be a problem with Foxhole's top down nature. Is it technically feasible to have something like these two as set pieces in the future or are the current set pieces like GWD and this ship pushing the technical limit of what could be done and still be performant for 100+ players?

- We're so close to alternate ammo types for same calibers being produced in facilities, why do you enjoy teasing me?

- Does Mark find it difficult to swap focuses between both of his children? From the way it was talked about in the Dev Stream it seems like Max has taken over many of the day to day responsibilities of Foxhole while Mark focuses mainly on Anvil other than maybe the major updates, is that correct?

- The new squad leader feature is a godsend! Does the team have interest expanding out the functions of squads/regiments in the future? Things like Regiment whiteboards for planning ops in game, regimental awards that can be given to different players, etc. or is the team happy to leave those to external apps?

- How much time goes into a model redesign, even a minor one like what was done with the Charon? From the outside perspective it seems like there was only minor changes done, but what would be the ballpark manhours spent on a change like that?

- Are there any other hexes or locations that you feel deserve a touch up at some point in the future?

- I loved hearing that when changing around level design, you try to retain any important memories of a location. That really speaks a lot to how much you value player made lore over in universe lore. Are there any locations or changes you wanted to make to the map in the past that you felt like couldn't be done because of that philosophy?

Thank you for all your answers! You guys are awesome!

The team currently uses Github projects for issue management (but not for source control).

In terms of how long it takes to make modelling changes, it heavily depends on the nature of the changes. Sometimes small changes can take deceptively long and seemingly large changes can be quicker than expected. Things like animations, collisions, and gameplay interactions can really complicate and make the modelling process longer. Open topped or vehicles with lots of moving parts are usually harder.

For example, ships are very complex across the board and take the longest. The larger ones can take up to multiple months to model, test, and polish. Basic closed top tanks can usually be done over several weeks in the optimistic case.

It'd be tough to change Jave Cove at this point due to it's player history.

about 1 month ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by the_friendly_wendigo

With the change of uniforms to a facility, are you removing them from the mpf and factories?

No. They can still be produced at Factories.