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Update 57 revisits the weather systems that were added over three years ago in Winter Army. The goal of these changes were to address major player feedback, make weather have more of an interesting impact on gameplay, and adapt weather to all the new content that has been added over the years.
Rivers and lakes can now freeze over again. This was a feature that was removed in Naval Warfare but not only is it back, but it's been expanded upon. Frozen bodies of water can now crack and break when vehicles drive over them.
The heavier the vehicle, the more quickly the ice is damaged. Large Ships like Destroyers can also crash through ice while Submarines can traverse beneath. Broken ice will refreeze over time.
Rainstorms have been overhauled with more interesting mechanics, giving players more agency with how they are impacted. Infantry are no longer automatically encumbered by Rainstorms when walking over certain surfaces but rather are only impacted when walking over discreet pools of water that accumulate dynamically on the ground, in trenches, and artillery craters. These pools of water can be removed with a Shovel or Water Bucket.
New structures have been introduced to help armies deal with and strategize around weather events.
BUNKER HEARTH The keystone to any bunker, this simple hearth functions both as oven and warmth in the coldest weather, heating a fair area around it when built on solid foundations.
FIELD RANGE This easy-to-construct range is perfect for keeping warm in the cold, while being sturdier than a simple firepit.
WEATHER STATION A high-tech weather module built on solid foundations within a bunker network. These stations help operators predict weather patterns. Multiple Weather Station modules may be chained together to make more accurate predictions, allowing armies to prepare for the worst conditions.
WIND SOCK A sturdy fabric cylinder mounted on a tripod that’s designed to help nearby operators determine the speed and direction of wind.
BMS - BOWHEAD This BMS shipping vessel, the Bowhead, is specially designed to carry large quantities of resource containers and fitted with compartments for resource Harvesters. Named for a great whale, the Bassett Motor Society ensures that resources get delivered to the front lines where they’re needed and when they’re needed due to efficient loading bay design and a sturdy frame.
BMS - IRONSHIP (REFRESH) The Bassett Motor Society’s Ironship-class shipping vessel is used to freight shippable goods and heavy vehicles.
The Freighter has been updated to be more consistent in scale and features with the other vessels introduced in Naval Warfare. It has a redesigned chassis, a walkable deck, an extra passenger seat, and a spotter position.
The inventory has been upgraded with new quality of life changes. New features include sorting functionality, custom stack splitting, smart stacking, equipment slot tooltips, and inventory access as passengers.
There are numerous other quality of life changes, some shown below.
This update contains dozens of other improvements including Facility Husks, a Sniper Rifle rework, new player UX improvements, and much more.
RELEASE NOTES There many other features and bug fixes in this update. Read the full release notes[www.foxholegame.com] for the details.
I SAW A BEAR UPDATE VIDEO For a more comprehensive walkthrough of all the new features in Update 53, check out community veteran I Saw A Bear's video below.
Don't forget to follow the Foxhole Youtube Channel and Twitter Feed for the latest news on upcoming updates.
Update 57 revisits the weather systems that were added over three years ago in Winter Army. The goal of these changes were to address major player feedback, make weather have more of an interesting impact on gameplay, and adapt weather to all the new content that has been added over the years.
Rivers and lakes can now freeze over again. This was a feature that was removed in Naval Warfare but not only is it back, but it's been expanded upon. Frozen bodies of water can now crack and break when vehicles drive over them.
The heavier the vehicle, the more quickly the ice is damaged. Large Ships like Destroyers can also crash through ice while Submarines can traverse beneath. Broken ice will refreeze over time.
Rainstorms have been overhauled with more interesting mechanics, giving players more agency with how they are impacted. Infantry are no longer automatically encumbered by Rainstorms when walking over certain surfaces but rather are only impacted when walking over discreet pools of water that accumulate dynamically on the ground, in trenches, and artillery craters. These pools of water can be removed with a Shovel or Water Bucket.
New structures have been introduced to help armies deal with and strategize around weather events.
BUNKER HEARTH The keystone to any bunker, this simple hearth functions both as oven and warmth in the coldest weather, heating a fair area around it when built on solid foundations.
FIELD RANGE This easy-to-construct range is perfect for keeping warm in the cold, while being sturdier than a simple firepit.
WEATHER STATION A high-tech weather module built on solid foundations within a bunker network. These stations help operators predict weather patterns. Multiple Weather Station modules may be chained together to make more accurate predictions, allowing armies to prepare for the worst conditions.
WIND SOCK A sturdy fabric cylinder mounted on a tripod that’s designed to help nearby operators determine the speed and direction of wind.
BMS - BOWHEAD This BMS shipping vessel, the Bowhead, is specially designed to carry large quantities of resource containers and fitted with compartments for resource Harvesters. Named for a great whale, the Bassett Motor Society ensures that resources get delivered to the front lines where they’re needed and when they’re needed due to efficient loading bay design and a sturdy frame.
BMS - IRONSHIP (REFRESH) The Bassett Motor Society’s Ironship-class shipping vessel is used to freight shippable goods and heavy vehicles.
The Freighter has been updated to be more consistent in scale and features with the other vessels introduced in Naval Warfare. It has a redesigned chassis, a walkable deck, an extra passenger seat, and a spotter position.
The inventory has been upgraded with new quality of life changes. New features include sorting functionality, custom stack splitting, smart stacking, equipment slot tooltips, and inventory access as passengers.
There are numerous other quality of life changes, some shown below.
This update contains dozens of other improvements including Facility Husks, a Sniper Rifle rework, new player UX improvements, and much more.
RELEASE NOTES There many other features and bug fixes in this update. Read the full release notes[www.foxholegame.com] for the details.
I SAW A BEAR UPDATE VIDEO For a more comprehensive walkthrough of all the new features in Update 53, check out community veteran I Saw A Bear's video below.
Don't forget to follow the Foxhole Youtube Channel and Twitter Feed for the latest news on upcoming updates.