Original Post — Direct link
over 1 year ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

There has been intermittent networking issues at one of our datacenters these last few days. This is the equivalent of having errors at your ISP level even though your PC/OS is functioning correctly.

To mitigate this we switched to backup servers at a separate data center (we always have back ups in case) yesterday late afternoon for the original data center to resolve their issues. When running on backup servers we have slightly reduced player capacity, so it's intended as a temporary measure only.

This morning the original datacenter seemed to be back to normal so we migrated back but now there issues seem to be returning. Our live ops team is in contact with the impacted datacenter to resolve the issue but it's uncertain how long it will take them. In any case, the live ops team is monitoring the situation closely. Thanks for the patience.