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over 2 years ago - /u/markusn82 - Direct link

Originally posted by _-Deliverance-_

Frontier bases in Lockheed, Fort Duncan, and now this crap. Devs need to find a better system to reduce queues other than: push here I give you base.

Its bad for the game, no matter if collies or wardens get it

Devs need to find a better system to reduce queues other than: push here I give you base.

Agreed. It's a really lame system and I agree with the criticisms in this thread. We should get rid of it.

In terms of the context for them: When queues reach critical levels the Resistance Base system kicks to proactively prevent other problems. When the queues reach a critical point, other side effects start to kick in like logistics not being able to get into regions to supply critical fronts among other problems.

It should also be noted that this system has been in the game for years and isn't a new. The queues just haven't reached the critical point in awhile because of the Border Bases and second shard. This war however, the queues have reached new highs which has resurfaced these prior issues. We're working on it.