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Foxhole's annual update has arrived! Prepare for a major revision in Foxhole's infantry gameplay, designed to be more team-oriented and tactical. This update introduces deeper suppression gameplay, weapon shouldering mechanics, and a stamina overhaul, alongside other features to make the entire infantry playspace more impactful on the persistent battlefield. Watch the official Infantry Update Launch Trailer below for a summary of what's new.
Experience a more dynamic infantry game with refined suppression, weapon shouldering, and stamina mechanics.

INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPONRY Infantry forces are now equipped to counter armor with the introduction of specialized anti-tank rifles for suppressing enemy armour advances.

CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT Fight at close quarters with a new melee combat system that allows for both quick and charged attacks, blocking, and knock down mechanics. Charge through the trenches with new melee weapons, including the Eleos Infantry Dagger and Falias Raiding Club.

Shotguns have also been updated with new mechanics, giving them a more unique role on the battlefield. New faction specific variants have also been added: The KRF1-750 Dragonfly and the No.4 The Pillory Scattergun.

MEDIC UPDATE Medics have been upgraded with an expanded role, making ambulances and hospitals a more crucial part of the war effort. Medical Rooms can now be built directly inside bunker networks, enabling wounded soldiers to recover directly at the trench lines.

Finally, medical forces have been bolstered with the all new First Aid Train, a mobile field hospital that traverses the battlefield on rail.

INFANTRY ARMS FACTORY New facilities have been added for producing crates of equipment and specialized weapons for infantry. To support this new production chain, a new Small Container Train Car has been added as well as the new Crate Transfer Station, which allows disassembled crates of equipment to be stored at Facilities.

INFANTRY BATTLEGROUNDS A more engaging infantry battleground with the addition of ruined fortifications and other features, offering cover and a more dynamic combat environment.

PERSISTENT MINE FIELDS Large scale, persistent mine fields can now be deployed to permanently bolster fortification lines. Mine fields can be constructed with either Anti-Tank or Anti-Infantry Mines.

CUSTOM INFANTRY LOADOUTS Infantry can now build custom loadouts, enabling mission specific gear to be easily assembled deploying to the front.

MAP SEARCH TOOL As the persistent world has expanded over the years, there are now hundreds of locations on the map. To help players navigate this vast geography, a new search tool has been added to the map interface, allowing any location to be easily identified.

90T-V "NEMESIS" With immense off-road capabilities, the 90T-v “Nemesis” is a highly versatile armoured vehicle. While it may not boast the defensive capabilities of its more heavily armoured cousins, the “Nemesis” shatters enemy formations with its deadly 68mm cannon and auxiliary grenade launcher.

GALLAGHER BRIGAND MK. I The first of Colm Gallagher’s mid-sized tanks, the Brigand is a true brute on the battlefield. Not quite as sturdy as its younger siblings, the Brigand compensates with higher mobility, which, when paired with a mounted machine gun and 30mm repeater cannon, is a deadly force in any armour division.

RELEASE NOTES There numerous other features, content, and bug fixes in this annual update. Read the full release notes[www.foxholegame.com] for the details.
Foxhole's annual update has arrived! Prepare for a major revision in Foxhole's infantry gameplay, designed to be more team-oriented and tactical. This update introduces deeper suppression gameplay, weapon shouldering mechanics, and a stamina overhaul, alongside other features to make the entire infantry playspace more impactful on the persistent battlefield. Watch the official Infantry Update Launch Trailer below for a summary of what's new.

Experience a more dynamic infantry game with refined suppression, weapon shouldering, and stamina mechanics.

INFANTRY ANTI-TANK WEAPONRY Infantry forces are now equipped to counter armor with the introduction of specialized anti-tank rifles for suppressing enemy armour advances.

CLOSE QUARTERS COMBAT Fight at close quarters with a new melee combat system that allows for both quick and charged attacks, blocking, and knock down mechanics. Charge through the trenches with new melee weapons, including the Eleos Infantry Dagger and Falias Raiding Club.

Shotguns have also been updated with new mechanics, giving them a more unique role on the battlefield. New faction specific variants have also been added: The KRF1-750 Dragonfly and the No.4 The Pillory Scattergun.

MEDIC UPDATE Medics have been upgraded with an expanded role, making ambulances and hospitals a more crucial part of the war effort. Medical Rooms can now be built directly inside bunker networks, enabling wounded soldiers to recover directly at the trench lines.

Finally, medical forces have been bolstered with the all new First Aid Train, a mobile field hospital that traverses the battlefield on rail.

INFANTRY ARMS FACTORY New facilities have been added for producing crates of equipment and specialized weapons for infantry. To support this new production chain, a new Small Container Train Car has been added as well as the new Crate Transfer Station, which allows disassembled crates of equipment to be stored at Facilities.

INFANTRY BATTLEGROUNDS A more engaging infantry battleground with the addition of ruined fortifications and other features, offering cover and a more dynamic combat environment.

PERSISTENT MINE FIELDS Large scale, persistent mine fields can now be deployed to permanently bolster fortification lines. Mine fields can be constructed with either Anti-Tank or Anti-Infantry Mines.

CUSTOM INFANTRY LOADOUTS Infantry can now build custom loadouts, enabling mission specific gear to be easily assembled deploying to the front.

MAP SEARCH TOOL As the persistent world has expanded over the years, there are now hundreds of locations on the map. To help players navigate this vast geography, a new search tool has been added to the map interface, allowing any location to be easily identified.

90T-V "NEMESIS" With immense off-road capabilities, the 90T-v “Nemesis” is a highly versatile armoured vehicle. While it may not boast the defensive capabilities of its more heavily armoured cousins, the “Nemesis” shatters enemy formations with its deadly 68mm cannon and auxiliary grenade launcher.

GALLAGHER BRIGAND MK. I The first of Colm Gallagher’s mid-sized tanks, the Brigand is a true brute on the battlefield. Not quite as sturdy as its younger siblings, the Brigand compensates with higher mobility, which, when paired with a mounted machine gun and 30mm repeater cannon, is a deadly force in any armour division.

RELEASE NOTES There numerous other features, content, and bug fixes in this annual update. Read the full release notes[www.foxholegame.com] for the details.