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The title says it all.

I've played GW2 on and off since day 1 but I have never played fractals. Where do I start? Am I too late to get involved? Do I need to join a guild or can I just play with random players?

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over 3 years ago - /u/Anet-PaulS - Direct link

Most of the time there should be Fractal groups in LFG for the dailies, just look for anything from scale 1-19 (20+ starts requiring agony resistance). Most fractals at this level are pretty forgiving on mechanics combat-wise, with the exceptions of the final boss of Siren's Reef (scale 12), and Mai Trin (scale 18).

over 3 years ago - /u/Anet-PaulS - Direct link

Originally posted by Turkeyspit1975

I would toss Thaumanova into that mix, since everything up to the anomaly is 100% about mechanics, and I've seen many a group stall at subject 6 or even the reactor room.

yeah, that's fair

over 3 years ago - /u/Anet-PaulS - Direct link

Originally posted by VegetableWest6913

Thanks for the response (and to everyone else that responded).

Ok I'll give fractals a shot. How far away am I from being able to play Raids? I'm guessing I'm quite far off but T4 fractals should help with that?

Raids are a different beast and I'm not really sure. Exotics should be fine for them, but you'll probably want to find a raid training group, or possibly a group of other fresh players who are interested in figuring things out with you.