Original Post — Direct link

Hello. I am trying to collect very important data for my senior research project. If you could take 2 seconds to answer this poll, I would truly appreciate it. https://strawpoll.com/e2y87r8g

EDIT: So thank you everyone for doing this survey, I honestly didn't expect over 1k submissions, but you cuties sure like to voice your opinion on which demon/robot/undying voice in the void you want to smash...now here's where I plug my twitch stream and patreon>:D

EDIT: This went a lot better than I expected, IE I thought I would immediately be downvoted to oblivion. With 1569 submissions, the top three sexiest bosses are Robo-xera, Gorsey, and Daddy Dhuum, in that order. For those of you curious, my project is for...a fake class that I made up! I made this poll for my guild and I was dared to post it on the subreddit. Sorry to trick everyone, but this was a lot of fun! I may do this again sometime for more "research", or for the lulz.

External link β†’
almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_lis - Direct link

Originally posted by anet_jason

Tentacle Dad. Obvi.

You know, my fav thing about polls like this is that whoever votes from the Anet office first speaks for us all. :v

almost 7 years ago - /u/anet_lis - Direct link

Originally posted by I_post_stuff

hello friend

Hi! :D