2 days
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We're making some updates to our newsletter e-mail system within the next few weeks, and we want to let you know what to expect so you don't miss out on any news.
Until now, newsletters have been sent from [email protected], but starting next week, we'll begin sending them from [email protected]. Please whitelist [email protected] to make sure future newsletters don't get sent to your spam folder. If you need help whitelisting an e-mail address, this page has step-by-step instructions for most e-mail providers.
Some subscribers may receive one or two more e-mails from [email protected] before it shifts over to [email protected], so you may want to leave that address whitelisted until you receive a newsletter from [email protected].
Additionally, some subscribers were not properly receiving e-mail newsletters that they should have been. This update has also corrected that, and all players who signed up for the Guild Wars 2 newsletter should receive their e-mails as expected.
If you'd like to sign up for the Guild Wars 2 newsletter, you can do so through the settings tab of your account page. All players who sign up to receive Guild Wars 2 and ArenaNet newsletters will receive a free 24-slot Mail Carrier Satchel in the game!