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almost 8 years ago - /u/ANet_Huaxec - Direct link

Originally posted by Irish451

I screwed this up once, let's try again!

I picked up this game at launch and played through the main campaign once. I sort of rushed it as my friends and I tend to do when a new MMO comes out. When they stopped playing so did I, but I've come back several years later because it was an experience I truly enjoyed and wanted to get back in to it to give it the fair shake I never gave it. I'm trying to make different decisions this time around, and as such this was the first time ever to Durmond Priory. When I began to see it take form I assumed it was some kind of visual bug, but when I realized the scope and beauty of what I was looking at, I got full body chills. Such a beautiful game, and a beautiful world. I can't wait to keep exploring and see it all.

Lornar's Pass is personally one of my favorite zones in the game, and the Priory is probably my favorite location there. Views like that still take my breath away too, if given the chance (I say that because familiarity and routine seem to result in becoming numb to surrounding beauty). Sometimes I have to remind myself of how beautiful it is here in the PNW, and every so often get blown away by the scenic views, just by looking at things with a different eye or perspective.

Welcome back to Tyria, and good luck in your adventures! :)