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Heya fellow tyrians

Lets face it, the game does not really explain itself all that well. There are many things that would make the game way better for some, but they never get told about it.

In order to fix that I am currently working on a tutorial. Well, not just a tutorial, but for example also a template for people that want to make videos about guild wars and so on.

Here it is

It is far from done, but I would be delighted about any feedback and even more so if people might actually want to help.

Besides that, I have also created a new guild designed to be an entry point for new players. Meaning that I go around on the beginning maps and try to answer peoples questions. If people are interested to assist me in this and help new players get into the game just write me a message.

Kind Regards, Rkoturdo Ndo (Rkoturdo Ndo.3264)

Edit: I've updated the site to include the first patch of suggestions

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almost 7 years ago - /u/ANET_Stephane - Direct link

That looks great /u/Rkoturdo_Ndo ! I have a related suggestion for you:

You could start talking to the Guild Wars 2 Wiki community to figure out if there's a way to replicate that guide into the wiki and potentially make it more visible? The wiki is not organized like a guide but it probably has a lot of these information (it's worth checking in detail though). But your guide could help with that (there's even potentially technology in the wiki to help make it sustainable, for example via templates and including text from other articles), and it also would be a lot more visible since a lot of players (old and new) read the wiki.

If you're interested in going this route, you just need to create a wiki account (technically you don't since you can edit the wiki anonymously) and start a discussion topic here: https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Guild_Wars_2_Wiki_talk:Projects

almost 7 years ago - /u/ANET_Stephane - Direct link

Originally posted by Rkoturdo_Ndo

That might be a good long term idea. Some information (and the stat table) are actually taken from the wiki. I am not sure how exactly the wiki technology works, but I will look into it.

Right now I want to get a version 1.0 first before.

Thank you for your help :)

Something trully awesome on the wiki is that you may not need to do a lot of work, a project is collective work where people team up to bring their own skills to make the project successful. The technical bits could be handled by other wiki editors, while you'd retain a certain role (that you can decide yourself). It was just a suggestion, not assuming anything about your own goals for this guide. Thanks again! :)