over 1 year
ago -
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Heads up! The next beta event for WvW World Restructuring begins on Friday, June 9 at each region’s respective weekly WvW reset, and concludes on June 23. You can learn more about the system here.
To celebrate the beta, a WvW bonus experience event will be active for the duration of the event (100% bonus to World Experience, a 25% bonus to reward-track progress, and a 50% bonus to magic find). Additionally, completing the beta event achievement will allow you to unlock a War Machine weapon skin of your choice.
To participate, you’ll need to select your preferred WvW guild through the guild menu before midnight Pacific Time (UTC-7) on June 8.
We’ll be back on June 6 with additional information – we just wanted to give you early notice that this event is coming!
(NOTE: Here's the additional information as promised! )
To clarify how this works as we approach the start of beta: The guild you choose this Thursday, June 8, will define your team matchmaking for the two-week duration of the beta. You will be part of that team for both weeks, even when the matchup changes at the following reset. Leaving or changing your battle guild will not change your team during the beta. (This functions the same way that relinking does).