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So this really isn't like any regular data-mining post but I'd thought I'd share since it made me laugh.

I was looking around some files and stumbled upon some html/css/js files used for what seemed to be all the guild upgrade UI screens. Among them I found a very amusing comment.

/* wtf is this */

.redout {
  color: red;
  display: flex;

.text-large {
  font-size: 20px;
  padding: 2px;

For those unfamiliar with CSS code, it is generally used to make things look pretty on web-pages (or TP/guild upgrade pages in this case). There's nothing magical here, just confusion between 2 (or more) coders.

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almost 8 years ago - /u/Tivac - Direct link

Way more annoyed than I should be at that CSS shipping unminified.