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Please post any game issues and bugs you find related to this update in this thread.

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almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by Io_Itami

Ranoah‘s event can get bugged. 15/16 targets destroyed and then nothing. The last target can’t be destroyed.

Hey there! This and the below mentioned issue with Cinder's event are two edge-case-y things we're already aware of. Sorry for the inconvenience :(

almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by Spiritbrand

For me, the tank harpoon did no defiance bar damage at all. It fires, hits the gate and nothing.

Have you tried using the harpoon skill repeatedly after attaching the harpoon to your target? The skill flips and you can hold down/spam several times to yank the harpoon and break the breakbars.

almost 5 years ago - /u/Anet-Chloe - Direct link

Originally posted by KamuiHyuga

Will this also work if you're clicking and holding the skill? As I stated above, since I've bound the raptor leap (and similar skills) to 2 and the griffin ascent/skyscale descent to 3, those keys don't work when riding Aurene in War Eternal or when in the new tank, so I've had to resort to clicking them. And due to fast targeting for my ground targets, the 2 skill is unusable (have for the time being had to figure out how to redo my keybinds for all this) since it just targets the AoE at my feet when clicked or if clicked and held.

It does!