3 days
ago -
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A message from the Game Director:
Hey, everyone,
I wanted to share an update regarding the launch timing of our next expansion for Guild Wars 2. While we've released our last two expansions in August, we've made the decision to shift our next expansion launch to October. This extra time will allow us to ensure the expansion meets our quality standards without crunching.
This change for the sixth expansion will not impact the release timing of the final quarterly update for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds.
We appreciate your patience and support as we take this needed time to bring the next chapter of Guild Wars 2 to life. We'll be sharing more information about our next expansion this summer, and in the meantime, we have more content and events coming to keep the adventure going, including the final quarterly release for Guild Wars 2: Janthir Wilds. As always, thanks for being part of the Guild Wars 2 community!
—Josh Davis
Game Director