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Extra Life Game Day is just weeks away, and Team ArenaNet is participating for the seventh year in a row--as always, you're invited to join!
If you're new to our community or to the event, Extra Life is an annual gaming marathon during which teams and individuals from many gaming communities stream games for twenty-four hours to raise funds in support of Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals, a network of 170 nonprofit children’s hospitals throughout the United States and Canada. Donations pay healthcare costs for critically ill and injured children not covered by health insurance or Medicaid, help hospitals purchase pediatric medical equipment, and fund disease research. Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals provide 32 million treatments to children every year thanks to events like Extra Life.
Team ArenaNet began participating in 2017, and with your help we have raised over $855,500 in donations for Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals since we began participating seven years ago. Let’s see how much we can add to that total together in 2023!
Read on to see what we've got planned and how you can take part!