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over 4 years ago - /u/anet_irenio - Direct link

Originally posted by SpectralDagger

They just target nerfed the biggest 3 offenders in 2v2 balance. Holy f**k, that's hype. I do love how they listed balance changes as bug fixes, though.

Bug fixes is a catch-all term. We'll try to be more clear in the future.

over 4 years ago - /u/anet_irenio - Direct link

Originally posted by TheRisingBlade

Maybe they just copy and pasted the balance notes into the generic update template.

Im leaning towards them accidently labbeling an update as a bug rather than some narritive where they are trying to cover it up. Just seems more probable

Basically this. Some stuff was overperforming. Cmc made some adjustments. We'll keep watching.