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The Hidden Commander who got Outcasted into another world and Isekai'd his way back through the misty Dream - Yes this is my anime title , deal with it.


Only the true heroes know that in the beginning there were the rogue guilds of cheatyria........... fighting and cheating their way to the top using every trick in the book to make sure they stay top to influence the people below with magical numbers of importance and push for fake entitlement and ride the dick of their own glory hole, today we see the remnants of these riders influencing others with the old testements of the past , as if they earned it........ playing toy soldiers as they constantly shout firebrand skills while inhaling mountain doo and get mad when 1 person goes down and they dont wana waste a cooldown timer on their mesmer revive skill.( back in the day people in servers were specifically were teleporting the item to the goal to get ahead WvW and then denied it even though we all saw it back in the day , its how they became who they are today, its facts even though they never admit it it happened none the less but it doesnt matter now!, )

Every new hero in the mists faces the same challenge, fight for honor? freedom? for skirmish tickets? for that hot salad lady who looked at you while you were browsing her shop?

HECK NO , we fight for SKIRMISH Chests , we fight for transmutation charges because fashion rules this land more than any other land and my unqiue greatsword skin thats purple and blue is totally not gonna make me a target! , we fight for the heavy loot bags that drop between our sweet fingery fingers of doomy doom after we bomb a 50 blob in our SMC on lord with 5% left and that one daredevil we put by themselves at bottom of teh squad group comes through and clutches and air raids the smc with the tactivator , and triple dodges from the blob and gives the signal for us to bomb them more while they huddle and press every stab button in their hotbar like a lonely introvert in the rp section of divinities reach who just got a pm and its definetly not another sexy lonely person who wants to see your legendary sword/swords.........( i dont have a legendary weapon yet sadface )

but me \Flicks daffodil from mouth\** , im sitting pretty with the commander in my sight , telling my 5 squad its time to make this commander hate life more than he hates himself and target him directly because if you kill the commander you win the game (this is the tru tru), and they hate that but i love it \licks lips\** and im the Commander Killer and i dont give a flying zhaitan........ and we stack him with 100 stacks of bleeding and confusion and get the insta 360 noscope kill on him after we downed him just to watch his 49 loyal followers of the toy soldier church run around like headless chickens because the lieutenant doesn't actually know how to take charge so he tells everyone to port back and you chase them like a junkrat in overwatch laughing maniacally in an australian accent as you hope to even get 1 touch on every nooblet running away from you so you at least get a kill xp and loot bag , gotta chase that tail homie.

Now you are probaly wondering, how did I end up here........ yeah me too *double clicks all the loot bags and skirmish chests while licking lips\* its thursday night the reset just happened and every map is full and the cat tags everywhere and no one has a clue whats going on except for 1 man, and his name is.............SMC LORD - this guy is king of the land anywhere we go , this mfer is a level 83 elementalist who apparently can hold off 50 people but cant use a bloody overload or maybe move from the singular spot hes in , hes living the dream and he has more idea of whats going on inbetween all the dirty commander tricks than most people, some commanders switch accounts or they use other server accounts to see tags and see whats going on and they even pull tactivators lol , whats worse is that a while ago they had an API that screenshots to discord and shows tags that are even hidden an show where commanders are on other maps making it just useless unless you are being super strategic and only playing the numbers game, it was useless using in realtime but they certainly used it to gain an advantage of avoiding other commanders to piss them off and just take towers for points! (yes people go this far in a video game for numbers lol was honestly the least disgusting thing i saw )

The real question is , why did I start becoming a mercenary for hire ? why do i murder those who want to have fun?, well its a simple answer , commanders pay me to piss off their rivals after they've had some fights with them and pretend that they didnt hire me even though ive been paid by their supposed friend in the game to completely ruining their night by constantly murdering them. yes this happens , all the time reset night is busy as hell for gold for me, people are 2 faced! but not me im open about killing people in WvW equally , murder for everyone *smiles maniacally*

Now you may say to yourself "your the worst type of player how dare you not let them play toy soldiers!!" well i find it fun and i get paid to do a job,

its not my fault 49 other people cant protect their commander , is not my fault that in war their are no rules? , i can murder whoever i want, regardless of ethics or morals, this is Sword Guild Art Wars Online SGAWO and i can murder without hesitation as its not real, its a video game and just because you have not learnt how to fight mag yet and then you freak out and tell the server to go down a peg just not to fight them instead of rising up to the challenge like a real brave hero commander, well then i guess you better buckle up buddy the commander killer is here , better bring your most unkillable minstrel build because ive already got you in my sights to stunlock you into void so hard that you will have PTSD every time you see me, you will actively look for me WHEN IM NOT THERE and tell your group to get me, so i change characters and use my 2nd commander killing character and make you feel safe until you realise , im back and im watching you , so you teleport maps to get away because you cannot be bothered to deal with me.

How did i end up like this? Chapter 1

Well you see it all started back in the day when i was a noob learning to be a commander myself in in EU servers i learnt how to play with some friends from germany and quickly learned how to play efficiently and effectively to my ability and how this worked according to a standard in EU, only then once i had learned the ropes could i then control them but i was still a completely and utterly useless npc noob who pressed buttons without full knowledge of them! i was your basic average joe with a dream and a necromancer in full trailblazers in wvw with a power build , like the smort person i was, only after a training montage of like 6 months with small and big groups learning each class one by one in pvp and pve and wvw did i get into theory crafting, once i started to theory craft builds for small scale groups i even started niche builds for big groups, ive even been part of a 50 deadeye squad that was hella fun dodging and shooting as an invisible shooting squad , yes that was one of my first squads i took charge of....50 thiefs all with perma invis , no one saw us coming, literally.....

I've fought all the infamous Guild Leaders and Commanders (not gvg) in WvW , I've killed indo and clairence a bunch of times , even murdered fastcar by using 3 imob druids and a spectre so he never gets into the keep( this dude needs help mentally though seriously have you seen the videos he pumps out on yt they make no sense) and noody ( good down to earth guy who taught me more about thief than anyone ive met in WvW without even meaning too ) , but who hasnt right? its not an accomplishment by far just to have killed anyone especially when they have probally killed me ten times over! , nah being experienced is what matters in gw2 and having that one druid from a server who always sits with his greatsword and a 10,000 level in WVW sitting their waiting to eat you whole with a broken ranger build, thats top level experience , you cant beat that, hes waiting to feed on you using the most broken long ranged solo damage class (theyre all broken we know this the ranger dev hates every other class and loves animols, i love animols too i just think that rangers should not get 1500 distance just 1200 and we good , also im using a broken untamed build with double maces and hammer its op as phuckkkk , i aint hating on ranger i actually love all classes just using them as an example)

Over the course of 1 year of training I had transferred to US Servers to fight in the big leagues, also so i can lag so hard they cant kill me using my dial up attack which confuses enemies so hard , i found new guilds new beginnings and new friends and new foes who love to use hacking trainers so they dont lose hp or energy or just fly past me when they are downed, US servers had a new degenerate player i had no forseen, the " i dont give a flying phuck if you see me hack ima hack " this new type of player was frustrating to say the least as he hid under the floor of the dolyak i was trying to kill hitting me with curses upon curses with no cooldowns , bloody lovely i say *drinks tea* but my first guild were 10 people in WvW and one guy was amazing he randomly saw i wanted to be a commander and after 6 months of playing he gave me the gold to get a cat tag, and to this day i thank him, he saved me 300 gold that day. but he permanantly made me hate myself after becoming one.

So there I am new American voices in my ear ( love the american accent btw so i was overwelmed with everyone talking and was red faced for most of it and still am some nights ) i started realising that battle strategies in the US were very different and less calculated or so I thought, it really depended on the Guild i followed at the time, the quality of people was amazing i met so many wonderful and amazing people and a large amount of married milfs who love doing support and also love telling me what to do but im a good boy and i follow the person who knows better than me! , and who taught me how to be a better support and to this day i thank you (they were like my hot anime harem girls one was a nun , the other was a mage , you know how it goes ) and they all taught me like i was a little puppy ready to inhale any info possible, because i just wanted to be a better commander and thought i had to watch the americans first and see if i was doing things wrong or different from the EU servers ,

quickly i realised that there are 3 types of commanders - the "ive been here too long and need to stop playing because i dont take it seriously anymore i just come here for the weeklys and because my wife still lets me play for 2 hours a week" , the " perky and willing to murder anything and everything commander who somewhat knows what their doing and is willing to go the extra mile even if that means shouting at you in discord because he wants the loot bags or the weeklys more than he wants the win, and the " commander with no boundaries" this commander has honed the skills of making sure the numbers are what the server wants that week so that they can pre-fight another server the next week , literally these commanders are good but they dont know how to fight mag as they are old vets who only play in giant blobs and havnt thought about using squads like age of empires archer groups because they need the boon uptime while getting mats from the tower, (btw mag is ez just split everyone into 5 squads and have them attack simultaneously in a long row so your not bunched together so they cant bomb one spot and funnel them into a hole and bomb them , always works)

after this realization of what I was dealing with , i saw that the top kek commanders come on and do the same drill every week and then log off , that was it, treated like a chore like a job , clock in clock out, one idiot commander i will not name didnt even have a raptor even though they had pof, hes so underdeveloped as a player in terms of pve and story let alone achievements that he only commanded and thats all he does, and hes still an idiot to this day and im so glad i left that a certain Server i was only there for a friend and left due to the unstable command they willed together by grouping all guilds together and not caring about people who had been in the guild for years and leaving them behind just to go to other servers and i just wanted to play with friends , jesus it was a sheet show and many players left wvw or just stayed due to not knowing what to do after randomly being kicked out the guilds they were in, it was horrible to see these wvw guildless players running around hoping for more than 5 people to show up, so i left the homeless players wandering in the mists and decided its time to isekai my way back to reality!!! (i changed servers)

I travelled to another server and another, finding myself in one called , The Black Gate - infamous for being treacherous cheats and ruthless players but always being at the top regardless, I liked the sound of these guys regardless of their past because they seemed like the cool underdog pirates of gw2 from all the stories i had heard and i met some people who were commanders themselves and for some reason they were european??? they instantly loved my british accent and carried on telling me stories from previous servers from their pasts and mine from my server journeys, giving the gossips etc and they asked me one question.......... "have you commanded before? " i told them yes but only in EU servers as i was still learning the US ropes, this guy gave me commander tag and said you lead the group i wana see what you can do, bearing in mind i had actual competent players behind me willing to press buttons in a 50 squad on black gate, how could i miss this opportunity to show of some of my strategies and become an amazing newbie commander! so i told 6 firebrands to come with me( im on chrono) and then another 3 mesmers to come with me and told the big group to wait until the portals show and then walk into the other portals , yes i used a double portal strat on indo and he probaly doesnt remember but he took it like a champ, i walked towards his fifty group by myself teleported behind him laid my portal and then my mesmers took care of the rest bringing everyone in we walked over his blob twice before it fell apart and i was calmly telling everyone to spam their stabs while dps lay down aoes and only focus on the commander, to this day the black gate commander who i shall not name , was amazing he was great and gave me a good pat on the shoulder and was laughing so hard that a newbie of less that a 500 level in WvW could do that against Indo and actually win , i told him i had a black book of weird strats that work in certain situations and indo is predictable in his watchwork outfit. i would eventually end up fighting the person you may know as claire the blue haired elementalist commander who uses a plaguedoctors build sometimes lol and likes to chase me as i love having 1v1's with claire while hes busy just to annoy him while my team would be doing something to increase our points and id be well the "distraction" because being annoying as hell is a good strategy to stop the other team doing what they want....this is how i win and changed points to win so we could fight mag and made all the commanders take a week off.... lol please dont do this commanders , think about mag like the ultimate training grounds, my bg commander friends would stomp on them easily but the a certain crystal desert guild would take a week off as soon as they knew we would fight mag (this is facts not trying to start drama and most guilds started doing this tbh i never understood them not trying to overcome this hurdle and get their free loot bags , i mean we faced this in EU and beat it )

It was at that point i stand by my phrase "this is war and ill do anything to murder the commander because once hes dead the rest are just training dummies that give me loot bags" , we laughed we cheered and i carried on, eventually i left BG due to the law of server changing which is that "not enough players here we are gonna move and join blah blah", which happened more and more up until now with most servers, it got to the point where i joined one of my friends in Tarnished Coast where I reside now murdering people for fun (i have alts on other servers but tc on my main acc) and ive been in TC for a while just chilling, looking for the next hot sh*t who wants a hit on someone, or if i find a nice interesting guild to join and make new friends id love to find a new wvw guild and start getting back into it again, i do miss it alot!

my journey was a long one, I havn't learned everything but ive learned enough to know that following a guild is hard and being a commander is much harder , and not just a WvW commander but an actual guild leader itself is hard and takes alot of effort and time, i respect the guild commanders and what they do for every mode , i do think their strategies need alot of work and they need to stop playing toy soldier all the time and change things up a bit but if it wernt for their wives letting them play for 2 hours a week i wouldnt have got the experience i needed to be better and murder them later and them whispering me saying why is it you killling me can you please stop that , "this is war" i said and it always will be, i will never play fair, i will always use an advantage ( nothing illegal im talking about builds etc) and i will always try to have fun, no matter the drama that happens with so and so etc and the love affairs that happen over the internet , ive never got involved and that made things more fun as it didnt affect me pressing my buttons. staying drama free is the one im telling ya!

In my years ive commanded so many guilds and helped people, and stabbed them , met my fair share of weirdos who block you to msg you only to ask a question that they dont want answered "why are you dancing and laughing on my body" "its my winners celebration " , or the hackers who to this day still use the same characters and guild names and look the same and have amazing cooldown reduction never seen before lol , we can all say these experiences are interesting and commanding is definetly worth trying, but only if you have a good team, and because of the decline of people per server it made guilds move , causing disruption in WvW and making it so you had to Pug it out and use anyone and everyone near you just to get mendons back, i hope in the future its not like that and i can find a new server that likes to fight in WvW as i play every class and can command on every class, ive made enough theory builds to make 50 people scream in discord calls about not being able to kill me and shout at everyone to force my cooldowns lol , at that point it helps to have a mesmer friend teleport you out so they scream louder :)

I will always love my support ladies who helped me so much during my noob phase and still to this day are amazing and i love you all and i couldnt have got where i am without these amazing american milfs! and Dilfs!, but most of all i love the players who were too shy like me and took the leap to jump into a squad or party and take that chance to have fun! alot of us are hidden gems and we as a community are quite lovely and helping towards eachother , i can honestly say this is the most friendly mmo ive ever played and i wont stop and ill keep playing (im still shy sometimes even writing this made me nervous) but ending up where i am now is due to the fact that WvW needs an update, we need changes and we need new maps by GOD WE NEED NEW MAPS , anet make a Steampunk kaineng type map please, get me the phuck out of that annoying desert map that makes you run for a million years for no reason only to watch someone jump accross half the map past fire keep and then just change maps because f that lol going back to ebg where its ez to farm mats lol , but yeah this is part of my journey i didnt divulge everything but it took me too where i am today and im just another badass mfer sitting in the mercenaries guild waiting for a hit list to hit my inbox , also doing volatile magic runs like crazy so i can get my first legendary wep , I got outcasted not by the people but by default of not having enough people in certain servers i was in, and ended up being forced to move and suffer until i would find busy ones, honestly i have not tried Mag and would like to one day , but for now who knows! so i ended up just killing for fun

Points i want to make :

i think we are in need of an update for maps in WvW and how it works , i like siege weapons but i like diversity of siege weapons, we need more mechanics that opens up parts of the map using siege

the new weapon masteries are amazing and have opened up new builds aswel as the relic system , ty for the broken builds anet 100 bleed stack reaper is amazing

being a hitman for hire just happened it wasnt my goal and i find it funny that i can take down the leader with less than 5 people , but i also acknowledge its fun to fight as a blob and i do pick my moments whether to just kill commanders .... just dont piss me off or ill hunt you though.

the info about guilds and people i met are all true aswel as the history about the early WvW that all happened and is the reason why some servers are more famous, fun facts

i didnt jump between guilds i was with guilds for years but they were always changing and updating and never staying in one place

hope this was a good read

thanks for reading , if you got this far you are a literal god, i dont think i could read what i wrote, but thanks for reading and hf!


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11 days ago - /u/Roile - Direct link

Originally posted by erGarfried

What in tarnation
