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Haven't seen any posts about this yet. If you double click the overdue library books for the Library Detective achievement, you can read them in this neat new interface. Some even have multiple pages. You can see a screenshot here


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almost 7 years ago - /u/ANet_Kriss - Direct link

Very happy to finally see this in the game; enjoy!

almost 7 years ago - /u/AnetFrosty - Direct link

Originally posted by BobbyStein

So glad folks are enjoying the books. It's something we've talked about doing for years and it finally came together late in PoF development. Shout out to programmers Connor Cleary and Kris Watt, UI artist Luke Nalker, and the Episode 1 designers and writers for taking it to the finish line.

I'm riding Bobby's coattails here to let you guys know that I intend to add a way for you to reacquire these books since some of you deleted them out of your inventory before you realized they were, like, legit books. Since they're tracked for the achievement I should able to add an NPC within Istan that can give you another copy. It's going to have to wait for a later update, but I don't want you guys to think you will never be able to get them back.