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almost 6 years ago - /u/GaileGray - Direct link

Originally posted by OneMorePotion

My mother always liked watching me playing GW2. I've asked her every time when she was sitting next to me, asking questions about everything in the game, if she wanted to give it a try. She always said no because she was afraid of "destroying my character". xD

When I moved to another country, she wanted to surprise me and find me ingame. Thing was, she didn't even remember the game title or my characters name. So she asked all of my friends behind my back if someone could show her how to do it.

Long Story short... One of my friends took some time to help her creating an account and showed her around a bit ingame. He even went out of his way to update some hardware parts in her old PC, that she could play it smoothly. We had an guild event planned one Sunday, to do some missions and dungeons together. The friend of mine asked me, if he could bring "a friend" as well. Needless to say that I was a bit speechless when I've heard my mothers voice in Discord. :D

By then, she was already playing for four weeks almost daily. Just because she wanted to make sure that she is "good enough" to play with us. She is still playing today, mostly roaming around Queens Dale and helping out the farmers wherever she can. Her favorite thing is the Ale escort event through the swamp area. Her reasoning behind it: "Those poor soldiers need their beer!" :D

That is a really sweet story. I'm glad you shared it!

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