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Guild Wars 2 is one of the ways I spend my very limited free time (work, family, etc.). I just finished PoF story and got my Griffon (woot) in the last week. I usually play early in the mornings when my wife and daughter are still sleeping or between work-mode and dad-mode.

But today I had a ton of fun with GW2 in a very different way. My young daughter loves bunnies. And I mean LOVES bunnies. This morning I decided to show her my springer mount and she really lit up.

I showed her how to 'big hop' (via the mastery) and hop around with normal movement and she was very into it. We hopped around Amnoon and then the casino blitz event started. So I controlled the direction and she controlled the hops and we collected coins. Then afterwards she asked if the big bunny was hungry so we went to the farm in the Desert Highlands and ate some carrots and hung out with other bunnies in their burrow (spot where the heart vendor is).

It was a very fun Dad and Daughter time and I think I will be begged to let her play it again.

The Springer is such a fun and non-traditional mount in an RPG (MMO or otherwise). So thank you for being different ArenaNet.

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about 2 years ago - /u/Anet-Chelsea - Direct link

Originally posted by nohidden

Also Ramona who has little fat ears for extra cute.

